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I fiiiiiiIIIIIIIiiiiiiiIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiIIIIIIiiiiiiinally hit level 20.
If possible, I would like to plan ahead for when we do stuff a a group. Patrick and I are still unpacking and doing wedding planning, so we won't always be able to hop on at a moments notice.

Also, I may have gotten a friend of mine curious about the game. She's never played before. I'm not sure if she'll actually get the game, but she's reeeeeeeeeally thinking about it. Do y'all mind if she joins up with us if she decides to play?
Yeah, we definitely need to pre-plan things as everyone is on a different schedule.

And absolutely, the more the merrier!
We up for tonight?
I guess that's a no...
We clearly need more than a few hours to plan :P
True, everyone good for Friday next week?
Patrick gets off work around 6-7 on Friday, so if we can do it after, that would be fine.
7-8 for Petie then. That good with you Mr. Stampede?
That should work, as long as we don't go too late.
Just a run or two, shouldn't be all that bad. Is your friend with us?
No, he hasn't had a chance to actually get set up yet. I'm not sure he ever will - he just expressed interest in it when I brought it up but it never really went anywhere from there. He may join us in the future but for now, assume he's out.
^^ Same with my friend. I'm hoping I can convince her though.
So it turns out I'm not going to be home tonight. Any chance you guys are available at any other point this weekend?
Sure, if you guys can work that out, I could make time. I've got some important irl stuff though.
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