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So I recently found about this series of videos called 'Lasagna Cat'. By the time I tiped this I was on the 7th video, and so far they are... interesting. It seems that the series gets trippier and trippier with each later episode (the one below is the first ever made).

Oh yeah, the song featured at 1:19 is called "Searching for Friends".

EDIT: just finished watching the original series. I don't know what to think about it aside from the production quality being really good.

Fun fact: The producers of this videos, Fatal Farm, also did some of the Old Spice commercials.
So after finishing watching the New Lasagna Cat videos I figured out the meaning behind them, as well as why people find them so appealing.

The first segment of the video is used in order to portray how lazy the original strips are while the second segment - which has a lot more effort behind it- is used in order to "tribute" the creator of said strips. What Lasagna Cat does is to exploit Jim Davis's so-called humor and emphasize it with sarcasm to show how not funny it is.

For example, take this video from the New Lasagna Cat:

Simply put, Lasagna Cat is one big "Jim Davis sucks" joke.
In honor of youtube user Hellsing920(he recently passed away due to health issues) here is one of my favorite reviews that he did.
OH DEAR LORT!!! This is probably the BEST and WORST way to get revenge on a high school bully. And then tell the world by radio.

This is easily my favorite Lasagna Cat video. It was surprinsingly heartwarming.
i cannot watch the entirety of this without laughing 

All the animals featured in the video as listed in the video description: