
Full Version: Several Games using the same Rap sample
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This sample, catergorized by the first line "Devlish attitude that really makes ya move!" has been used in no less than five games. These games are Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike, Ollie King, Einhander, Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed, and Ar Tonelico. Street Fighter contains the clearest version of the sample, however Ollie King and Ape Escape the full sample.

(Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike, skip to 10 seconds)

(Ollie King, skip to 1:20)

(Einhander, skip to 1:10)

(Ar Tonelico, skip to 1:24)

(Ape Escape, skip to 10 seconds in)

If you know of any other games that use this sample, post it.
I'd chalk it up to lazy sound design, but neat find nonetheless.