Your avatar makes me want to dance in the buff while a unicorn sings showtunes as Christopher Walken.
I very much like that quote in your signature.
without milkmen we wouldn't have milk! you sir, are awesome for that.
You signature never gets old. :D
My Bumble! You are good people :)
Cuccos, you be best Original Grandma
PsychoSpaceCow, the first time I read your name, I some though I saw PsyCrow, which made me insanely happy. But now I know your name is not Psycrow, but PsychoSpaceCow, but some of your post still make me insanely happy.
Nice Michael Jackson game.
I very much like your hat.
You have really cool guinea pigs.
You have really great taste. In everything.
You have good tastes in Prince of Persia.
(stupid funnyjunk)
Psychospacecow is best bovine. Can you be a DLC character for Fighting is Magic?
If only that image you posted worked :P
Mass Distraction, You have an awesome profile picture. If I'm not mistaken, you made it. Which means your drawing skills are awesome.
Your the Master of gaming from 1991