Feel free to post an image for reference if you want. Its not required but it helps with nicknames.
District 6(Home of the Ronalds!)
Ronald McDonald
Ronald Reagan
District 7
Azai Nagamasa
Get it?
Team Black and White?
District 8
Alicia Melchiott
Welkin Gunther
District 9 -
The adoring fan
A mudcrab
District 10 is the land of living cars.
Lightning McQueen
District 11
Captain Planet
Captain Jack Sparrow
Can we not use joke names next time? I had trouble figuring out who was who.
Lol, I did, too. If we can't do pictures like the simulator does, I agree with Mass.
Yeah, that wasn't intended. I was gonna change it, but I had it all filled out and the site backed me to the front twice before I managed to get it all filled out. Also, whoever gets district 12, feel free to set up the games if you so desire. I'm going to be busy and/or asleep for most of this week.
I'd do it, but I got District 11.
You could do two if no one wants to do one/another one.
I'd do it but I want to save my idea for the next round.
District 12
Jane the Virgin
Jenna Jameson
I'm not gonna lie. That is a hilarious choice.