
Full Version: This is kind of an odd question...
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I wanted to ask what kind companies people here at most loyal to/are most likely to buy from, but that's kind of a hard question to word within a reasonable thread title, so I ask it here in the thread instead. Perhaps another good question to ask though is, does what company is behind a game have a huge effect on what you buy. I know for me, I bought a PS Vita mostly to play Atlus games. 

I have a tendency to prefer games from companies that make different RPG's, like Xseed and Level 5, and when it comes to games outside of the RPG genre, I know there are names I try to avoid, like EA although there are several companies under their name i like such as Dice. I'm also naturally skeptical of companies with soft in their name where it really doesn't seem to fit like Monolith soft or Spike Chunsoft because I can't shake the feeling that some of those companies are try to cash in on Square's old name. Regardless of whether or not that's true, the idea that it's possible make me weary. 

Anyways, random thought that I think might make for a good conversation.
I tend to buy a lot of Capcom games, since I tend to like most of their games. I don't care what people think about their latest releases, I haven't really played a bad game from them in ages. Square and Nippon Ichi are my go-to companies when I want to play a quality RPG.

Regardless of genre I tend to be interested in games made by Suda51, Quantic Dream, Remedy and Bugbear. Rockstar and Naughty Dog also deliver, don't think I've ever played a truly bad game from either company.

In addition to those I'm also kinda collecting SHMUPs made by Psikyo, though that company sadly no longer exists so buying used games from a nonexistent company I wouldn't really call much of a loyalty.
I guess I'll break it down by company.

I feel quite neutral towards Nintendo and Microsoft. I mean, Nintendo I do love, but the past few years have been difficult for Nintendo and honestly I can't really place them as high as I would've those years ago. Don't get me wrong I still like them and would still buy games from them but I just feel they're losing their touch and need to get it back.

As for Microsoft. I enjoyed the Xbox Original and 360 quite a lot and even though some of their IP's and business practices are terrible I'll stick by them. I mean, they're trying. By God they're trying. After shooting themselves in the foot with the announcement of the Xbox One they are trying to get back on track and it isn't that bad. I wouldn't rank Microsoft in the same ranking as Nintendo but I do think they're a decent company that have to deal with a lot of inside problems (higher ups not understanding the industry, stockholders/shareholders influencing decisions, the fact they're primarily a PC company) and are trying their best. I'd buy games from Microsoft because they had decent IP's from the OG and start of the 360's life.

Sony...I've never liked Sony. I felt that they are one of the reasons that gaming has become what it is. I mean the PS1 and 2 were great consoles, and the PS3 is decent and the PS4 is shaping up alright I guess. I felt that after Microsoft messed up Sony were basically allowed to get away with ANYTHING. Remember the outburst over PSN being a service you have to pay for to play online? No? Me neither. The Vita was amazing though, and Sony really did everything they could to make that handheld as amazing as possible. I like the games Sony makes, they do try to have a mix of niche Japanese and Western games and I do buy them. As much as I dislike Sony I'm not going to stop buying their games if they're good, in a similar fashion to how I like Nintendo but I'm not going to always buy their games.

Valve is alright but I honestly can't remember if they've made a good game in the past 5 years. Portal 2 came out in 2011 and CS:GO in 2012 but what else? All I use Steam for these days are Valve games. L4D2 and TF2 mostly, and they're fun games for sure and steam is a decent service which gives me what I want easily.

I'd write more, but I'm hungry.

EDIT: Wow, my post is more about the opinions of each company, huh? Damn well whatever. I'm not deleting all that.
In the past, I would say Square, but their name has been sullied. I would also say EA, but we all know how that went. Maybe I would say Konami, but that's changed of recent. I'd say Bethesda, but I think Skyrim is boring without more mods than what constitutes the game in space. Really, the only two companies that I can think of would be Blizzard and Valve on a game basis. Sure, Blizz is partnered with Activision, but the games are still good. Heck, even with how WoW has been faltering recently, I just got another month and my character is almost level 99 on a healer spec. Valve games are generally just pretty good, though the communities are kinda any which way.

They have the games most appealling to me.
I like my companys like I like my soda, I really not loyal to any one. Most people will say they buy from a company because they make good games. I'm a collector and buy whatever the hell I please. Look at my collection and you'll see just about everything. If I was loyal to anyone it would most likely be Sony since I own mostly PlayStation games.

Now if you ask what I'm not loyal to, I'd give you a short list of like 5 or 6. The two off the top of my head are EA for not giving a shit about what they do (they were not voted worse company for nothing) and Capcom for utter disregard of the fans.
I'm surprised "someone" didn't say this, but Platinum for me. Anything they do, I am apart of and want in. They're on of the few remaining companies that feel genuine about their games and what they do. Sales and sticking to the norm don't seem to be what they're about. Their games have life, colours, character and plenty of memorable scenes, characters, lines etc. I'm not one to be loyal to a company, that's kinda sickening to say(personally) but there are some I have more trust in than others.

As much as I hate Capcoms business practices, again, they are the only other company I can think with that constantly produce high quality entertainment. In depth mechanics, nice graphics and can give us new IPs when we want. Capcom are company of incredibly talented people and yet, their business practices are fucking horrendous. Yes, EA and Ubisoft are worse, but Capcom only effect me because of the amount of their games that I buy.

Another would probably be Nintendo. I've grown to dislike them more and more and still do, but they are one of the few companies (and hardware manufacturers) that do everything all the wrong areas. While Microsoft and Sony are happy to let publishers shit on their customers/players with season passes and locked DLC, Nintendo don't do any of that but instead give us region locking, or a shite account system, or near non-existent online/social gaming functionality and so on. I don't feel like I've been conned or scammed when I buy their games. They're polished, complete and very well made. They don't have this aggressive nature that so many other companies have about DLC, "being bigger and more epic" for hardcore gamers. They feel sincere and away from the smog of the other consoles.
I do own the other consoles and enjoy them (I'm loving the Xbox One) but I do feel like the Wii U is a very different a good way.

The only two companies I honestly dislike and will never purchase any of their games is EA and Ubisoft. Overrated companies that fail to produce anything that is even remotely good. Any time I give them a chance, they fuck it up. I caved and bought Child of Light, only to find this uPlay bullshit was forced upon me and the achievements were glitched. I have Ubisoft another chance late last year and they managed to fuck up Tetris. EA just kill off companies an are the definition of a sleezy corporate company, a husk of a decent entity. I'm tempted to get a new game like Mirrors Edge and Need For Speed or the next good Rayman, but I'm always in "vote for your wallet" camp.
It's all dependent on what the companies are doing.

I'm openly against Ubisoft, Konami, and EA. Konami for the obvious reasons, Ubisoft and EA for their stupid/broken DRM services.

Square Enix is a good company. Some of the big games they released I didn't like too much but Bravely Default and their efforts to help indie devs succeed helps put them in my good graces. That and they are putting a good number of good games onto PSN.

Nintendo I'm neutral with. They make good games but their overprotectiveness of their content is annoying. Capcom is currently iffy to me. They are doing good stuff but in the same perspective they do some stupid stuff. Kinda similar to Konami.
I don't openly hate UbiSoft because they can make good games like Prince of Persia and Rayman. I would be the same way with Capcom because they make good games too (there is a reason the latest Streat Fighters are being played at tournaments), but you really can't get around the fact that they openly hate their fans and blame any detail that goes wrong or any canceled game on the fans for not "caring enough about it." That with the shotty practices makes me not want to support them with my money. I'd rather buy the newest Assassin's Creed that's buged up the ass then to submit to Capcom. Konami is also getting this way as well, but I never really cared too much about most of Konami's catalog.
So long as I have some semblance of disposable income, I will buy every Monster Hunter game from now until the end of all things.