(03-29-2013, 03:45 PM)Reeves Reus Wrote: [ -> ] (03-29-2013, 02:47 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: [ -> ] (03-29-2013, 01:47 PM)Reeves Reus Wrote: [ -> ]snip
-snip- That'll be 5 bucks.
Yeah, I prefer the orange ones, mainly becomes its my favorite color and for some reason I can find them cheaper than the others. As for binder, I am rocking an old binder my elementary sold and is made of pure bendium, a material which not only is fake but bends without managing to break. Man, thinking about it, I've been at this for a while.
By the way this new Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's, has it got any new rules?
Like new gameplay style?
(03-30-2013, 04:50 PM)Reeves Reus Wrote: [ -> ]By the way this new Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's, has it got any new rules?
Like new gameplay style?
We're actually on the series after that now, Zexal. Apart from what I mentioned with the XYZ and Synchros, not really unless they made turbo dueling a reality. So, no not really.
So, there is still the possibility to combine old cards with new right?
(03-30-2013, 05:45 PM)Reeves Reus Wrote: [ -> ]So, there is still the possibility to combine old cards with new right?
Oh yeah, of course. Just check if it is banned or limited.
I mean, I still use polymerizations, monster reborn, and my deck is for E-Heros. You can use any card in traditional, though limited to 1 if it is banned in the tournament format.
Since I don't do tournaments, I mainly just go by a limit of 3 per card.
That's nice to hear!
Seriously you got me into it! I am thinking of reforming a new deck and try to get to the card game all over again!
Yay! The master will be happy I converted another one!
Oh yeah, I used to love Yu-Gi-Oh as a Kid, then after GX, they started adding too much retardedness, along with more and more stupid coloured cards, and now, I don't even know what the hell to do.
I prefer the original game breaking cards that were banned, to these new cards, that are so game breaking, that they stay in somehow, and the banned cards, still stay out.
(03-31-2013, 09:15 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: [ -> ]Oh yeah, I used to love Yu-Gi-Oh as a Kid, then after GX, they started adding too much retardedness, along with more and more stupid coloured cards, and now, I don't even know what the hell to do.
I prefer the original game breaking cards that were banned, to these new cards, that are so game breaking, that they stay in somehow, and the banned cards, still stay out.
Most cards are still in. Its cards like the Chaos decks which could OTK in A LOT of situations that banned. They mainly added Synchros to speed up the game past the inevitable 20 turns later and nothing's happened, and xyz were added to bring use to the extra deck. They aren't game breakers in most situations, most of them just pertain to an individual set. Heck, Future Fusion, one of my favorite fusion cards from GX was banned because it easily allowed someone to get out a ton of super powerful fusions with little to no effort. They speed up the game, yes, but they all have their costs and disadvantages. Plus, they did not actually change anything in GX. All they did more than the originals was emphasis the fact that there ARE archetypes, as opposed to establishing them then leaving them to die, like harpies and Gravekeeper decks. Those cards were given new support in and past GX. That, and they do return old cards periodically. They just recently made Tsukuyomi Semi-limited again. If that name doesn't ring a bell, it was one of the spirit cards AND it was brought back last September.
Since you mentioned Tsukuyomi, which was the card you hated most your opponents were using?
This one was for me:
![[Image: MagicCylinder-LCYW-EN-SR-1E.jpg]](http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120929063428/yugioh/images/3/38/MagicCylinder-LCYW-EN-SR-1E.jpg)
The bad thing is that I never got this card either!
I loved Magic Cylinder. It was so mean, still is. For me, I guess it would be torrential tribute on the turn you would've won. I have a bad tendency to summon 1 more monster to show off when I win.
I believe everyone does that! I bet you also imagined the entire anime like concept with the holographic monsters, didn't you? :P
(03-31-2013, 11:24 PM)Reeves Reus Wrote: [ -> ]I believe everyone does that! I bet you also imagined the entire anime like concept with the holographic monsters, didn't you? :P
They could do it with a dead rapper, why not Elemental Heroes?
Did you get the chance to expirement on Elemental Hero Decks?
(04-01-2013, 05:36 PM)Reeves Reus Wrote: [ -> ]Did you get the chance to expirement on Elemental Hero Decks?
Yeah man, I run them.