So E3 is almost exactly two weeks away now, seems like a good time to start getting ourselves hyped for it, as well as make predictions and the like. Here's the current list of games that are going to be there, as well as ones that might be there:
Of course this list doesn't count for the possible Nintendo Direct we'll get either before or after E3 nor does it have anything for possible backwards compatible games for the Xbox One or anything for PS2 to PS4. So, there's a lot still to speculate on, and we've got two weeks to do it. Any thoughts?
Ready for another exciting adventure of coverage before the inevitable fall. I'm looking forward to it.
Still no sign of Cuphead, Shantae 1/2 genie hero, and Yooka Laylee.
ONLY 12 MORE DAYS UNTIL E3 (if we count EA's conference)
Here's hoping for:
Games from Sony
Games from Microsoft
Games from Nintendo
Games from EA
Games from Bethesda
Games overall
No but seriously, I do hope some great games are shown. If Shenmue 3 can happen LITERALLY anything can happen. I hope Sony surprise us one more time this E3 and not just ride on "eh, we're going to sell around 100m PS4's by the end of the generation, why even try at this point" and just show us some mediocre games/lies. Microsoft doesn't want to take 2nd place even though they will so I'm hoping they try as well, they're always an interesting wildcard since they really want to try and we might see something different from them. Nintendo I just want to have something good, ANYTHING good at this point. As for EA and Bethesda, I don't really care much. Bethesda will show Skyrim 2 and Fallout 4 DLC and EA will show Battlefield 1 and that's about all I can remember those companies having of importance.
Hope it's good this year.
Honestly, more than anything, I just want to know what will happen. Nothing too exciting or surprising has been confirmed yet and while there are some games that I want, I think I would be very disappointed if this turned out to be one of those safe E3's. Last year a lot of surprises came up. if they can't match that, it will all kind of pointless to go that far, so here's hoping they do.
Here's the timetable for all timezones that are important.
![[Image: Cj6_TK4b_Ug_AEzx1c.jpg]](
I really don't like the times here. The only days I'm off conferences I'm not interested are on, and the only times conferences are on before I go to work, the time is really early for me because I work so late. I guess the only one that's really alright is Kadokawa, although I'm surprised they have one at all, but even they can be pretty hit and miss. It's like they have these things set so if you want to watch them, you need to say screw all to your sleeping schedule.
I got my wish. Yooka Laylee's trailer shows up for E3. And I'm so freaking happy.
Has anyone seen everything being announced today? FFXII is being remastered if your into that, Horizon Zero Dawn got a new trailer with a release date of February 28th, Sony added 50 new games to PlayStation Now, Xbox kinda gave us a teaser for their E3 conference which seems to have a focus on re-core, things are just going on everywhere. Not to mention that technically it all starts in two days as Square will be releasing info on Deus Ex like the chart retrolinx posted says. As far as I'm concerned, we are already in there for E3, and I'm already excited.
(06-06-2016, 11:54 AM)CLXcool Wrote: [ -> ]
I got my wish. Yooka Laylee's trailer shows up for E3. And I'm so freaking happy.
The ending of the trailer was GOLD.
(06-07-2016, 08:11 PM)Space Jockey Wrote: [ -> ] (06-06-2016, 11:54 AM)CLXcool Wrote: [ -> ]
I got my wish. Yooka Laylee's trailer shows up for E3. And I'm so freaking happy.
The ending of the trailer was GOLD.
Hat's off to Playtonic games for jabbing at First Person Shooters and Nuts and Bolts(I'm hoping that there's a jab at Mighty no 9 in the final product of the game).
Holy crap. I must be getting my wishes granted. Cause you know why??? Cuphead platforming e3 footage!