
Full Version: [NSFW]Overwatch 18+ Scandal
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On May 5th, Overwatch entered public beta. Coinciding this event, Pornhub had reported that its searches for the game had increased by 817%.. More than 600,000 searches for Overwatch related content on Pornhub had been made by May 23rd. A website dedicated to Overwatch content by the name of had been created.  Given the nature of said content and the game itself being intended for a more broad audience, numerous takedown orders have been filed against creators of this 3rd party content, allegedly due to some creators using stolen assets taken from the game.
Forgot to put this in the OP so I'm making new post in here for people to know.

As far as I am aware, this is a currently ongoing issue which I intend to update over time. Given the nature of this subject, I'm not going to be actively researching this, but will be attempting to keep tabs. If anyone knows of something I haven't mentioned, feel free to mention it because if it isn't recent and I haven't mentioned it, I don't know about it.
Good luck Blizzard. Spend time to do an impossible task instead of keeping all your people on balancing Overwatch.
From my understanding, this is partially an issue with copyright protection. I'm relatively sure they're aware of the "Barbara Streisand" effect.
Welcome to the internet kids, where you'll find porn of anything no matter how bad or good it is. This is what humanity has become these days.
(06-03-2016, 08:21 AM)Riku434 Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the internet kids, where you'll find porn of anything no matter how bad or good it is. This is what humanity has become these days.

Finding porn about anything is nothing new. The ancient cultures were no different, they just had to get even more creative.