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I do have a working NES, SNES, N64, and dreamcast. Though I don't really consider 64 and dreamcast retro. Never went nuts collecting old games since I have every game existing for NES, SNES and N64 emulated. (And alot of gamecube, wii, ps1, ps2,ps3, arcade and genesis games emulated as well)
I have so many rare/retro collections. Just constantly collection as much as I can. One of my best sets are all the main Pokemon games boxed/complete with Japanese versions too. Pretty valuable collection.
I consider Nintendo 64 and earlier "retro", even though it hurts a little.
The Nintendo Entertainment System was released less the two months before I was born, so I was literally born into the beginning of the Nintendo generation.

-I still get as many N64 games as I can
-Ocarina of Time had been my favorite game since it came out.
-I also love A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link and Majora's Mask.

-Non-Zelda related "retro" titles I love include (but are not limited to)
  • The original The Sims
  • The Sims 2
  • All expansion packs and stuff packs for both

  • Banjo-Kazzooie
  • Goldeneye 007
  • Super Mario 64
  • Mario Kart 64
  • Star Fox 64

-- (SNES)
  • Super Mario Kart
  • Mario Paint
  • Super Mario World
  • Donkey Kong Country
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Yoshi's Island

  • Caveman Games
  • Duck Hunt
  • Ninja Gaiden
  • Metroid
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Super Mario Bros. 3
  • Tecmo Bowl

The obviously a billion more, not to mention Gameboy and Gameboy Color.

Over the years, all my old games and consoles had been lost, broken or sold. I am slowly trying to get my game collection going again.

As far as actual collecting:
-I mostly collect Zelda stuff. Whatever I can get my hands on, especially if it's gold cartridge. I have everything from maps to handmade/fanmade jewelry.
-Nintendo 64 games, NES games and SNES games. I have all the consoles and still play them.
(05-08-2013, 09:12 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: [ -> ]I have so many rare/retro collections. Just constantly collection as much as I can. One of my best sets are all the main Pokemon games boxed/complete with Japanese versions too. Pretty valuable collection.

Sounds like me haha, I was never a fan of collecting too much foreign things but I cant def understand why its good to collecting those. I have most of the games but I try not to leave Pokemon my only thing I look out for.

I also try to collect valuable poke plushes<3
Replayed the original Final Fantasy(via iOS) to completion just a few days back. Reminded me why I got into the series in the first place.
I used to have quite the impressive NES collection, but I had to sell most of it off years ago to pay rent. That sucked, but I kept my favorites. They're, sadly, boxed up in my closet now since I haven't had a working NES since some time in 2003. I used to have a pretty decent Mega Drive collection too, until I lent it to a friend of my wife's, who promptly lost the system and a few games. I actually still have two Mega Drives, but no controllers or any other cords. But I have all four (good) Star Fox games, and about six copies of the SNES version, one of them signed by astronaut Buzz Aldrin!
I never owned an old original console. Back in my day we had these unlicensed NES hardware that allowed us to play NES games. The games I know and played most was Super mario bros, Duck hunt Sheriff, Urban champion, Donkey kong and many other games. I wasn't aware of Zelda or Metroid at the time. Soon after my fake nes got broke and I never saw it again.

I used emulators to play SNES and GENESIS because those weren't in my place and I didn't know it was wrong at the time. The games I enjoyed are Yoshi's island, super mario world and other great games.

Then there are games that make that retro feel again. These games that are memorable to me were cave story and Spelunky.

I'm planning to buy all the old school games either through virtual console or the real thing as soon as I get a job. I got super mario advance 2 and 4 on gba so that I felt like I now own the real thing even though its slightly different. As for Genesis, I'm getting all the games from steam one by one just to make it up with sega.
(06-26-2013, 10:31 PM)Artwark Wrote: [ -> ]I'm planning to buy all the old school games either through virtual console or the real thing as soon as I get a job. I got super mario advance 2 and 4 on gba so that I felt like I now own the real thing even though its slightly different. As for Genesis, I'm getting all the games from steam one by one just to make it up with sega.
Some games and consoles are to expensive now...

My brother and i were collecting a lot of games some years ago.
Now some of them are really hard to find.

Emulator is a good thing for testing games because sometimes they are not worth it.
Man I can still get back into old games, I just recently found out.
It's the in between generation that bothers me.
I mean a lot of "retro" flash games / indies use pixels, sot hat's cool, but a lot of PS1 / N64 generation bothers me (haha. ... haha? I don't know, I don't write this shit.)

Downloaded all of the Mega Man games (DOWNLOAD ALL OF THE MEGA MANS[/i]!)
And the Oracles, and by god, I'm in love all over again.

Like an old sweater at the back of your closet that you swore you'd never wear again 'cause you hate the big green stripes but it still fits. <3

I still have all of my SNES games (Except Donkey Kong Countries 1-3 'cause MY FUCKING INLAWS LOST THEM) (but ever since then, I've got them locked away in my room at my parents' house and nobody is allowed to take them.)
(06-27-2013, 03:41 PM)Dutchtica Wrote: [ -> ]I still have all of my SNES games (Except Donkey Kong Countries 1-3 'cause MY FUCKING INLAWS LOST THEM) (but ever since then, I've got them locked away in my room at my parents' house and nobody is allowed to take them.)

I keep all of my snes/megadrive games too because they were so great!
But i sell most of the others (until i get them back).
You know what would be great? If we ever had the chance to get all the games that were only in japan, Like mario and wario or Mother 3?
I collect old games only if I have either gained some interest on them over the years or if I never got them as a kid but wanted to play them. That is the extent of my collecting, I don't collect them just to have a bunch of old games.

I do love retro games in general, though, and would buy more NES games if they weren't so goddamned expensive around here. At least I have all these "new retro games" from PSN and the such.
(06-27-2013, 03:41 PM)Dutchtica Wrote: [ -> ]I still have all of my SNES games (Except Donkey Kong Countries 1-3 'cause MY FUCKING INLAWS LOST THEM) (but ever since then, I've got them locked away in my room at my parents' house and nobody is allowed to take them.)

I have all my SNES and N64 games with the exeption of a few. I left some at my dad's house so my brother could play them. He has two years before I pick up Golden Eye.
I started on the NES. Castlevania 2 was my first game, and despite the common opinion of that game I love it. Sentimental value. I recently spent $95 on a copy of Earthbound. Just the cartridge.
(07-04-2013, 09:56 PM)Gahmstead Wrote: [ -> ]I started on the NES. Castlevania 2 was my first game, and despite the common opinion of that game I love it. Sentimental value. I recently spent $95 on a copy of Earthbound. Just the cartridge.

I sold some things to lower the price. But i essentially spent 60 for just the cartridge. I always wonder if I should bother with NES since I played SNES all my childhood.
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