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General Anime/Manga/Otaku Thread
(09-20-2013, 02:19 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote: OH BOY, ANOTHER REASON TO LINK A GIGGUK VIDEO~

Pretty good video. Pretty much the same reasons I'm not a fan of those anymore.
Loved One Piece but after it faded airing in the U.K/me losing interest, it meant having around 400 episodes to catch up with episodes still coming out.
Bleach got extremely dumb once Orihime got captured and wouldn't go anywhere(episode 120ish).
Naruto. I watched up to Shippuuden and not one episode in. It really only appealed to the newcomers of Anime and as the video states, it wasn't out during "our time". A ninja in a BRIGHT ORANGE jumpsuit is one of the stupidest ideas for a ninja costume ever and the whole Sasuke stuff was just...ughh.
(Also not defending Dragonaball Z. Even though I loved that show, it really was a braindead show).
Fair enough people like Naruto, no problem in that, but Naruto really doesn't have much going for it other than it being the most popular.

I watched all of Cowboy Bebop again last week and it has such better writing, animation and character design that it feels strange to have come from the same country as the others. You can see the huge shift in animes these days to what they used to be like.
I've heard a semi-spoiler for Attack on Titan, which if proven to be true, could mean it being one of the most horribly written twists in any form of media.

(09-20-2013, 02:55 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: The uh, text there kind of falls off to the side so you can't read what it says.

Right click > Open image in new tab

Watched the Animal Crossing film with a few friends, we all's amazing. Quite possibly the most humble film ever. More than any Disney/Studio Ghibli film. Plus, we had fun pointing out the references.
I've never really gotten into the whole DB(Z)/Naruto/Bleach/OP anime thing. I only go for the manga. Less filler.

Only after I had fully read the manga did I watch some Dragon Ball Z on TV. Same goes with Naruto, though I did watch it from a friend's dvd.
(09-24-2013, 09:02 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: I've never really gotten into the whole DB(Z)/Naruto/Bleach/OP anime thing. I only go for the manga. Less filler.

Only after I had fully read the manga did I watch some Dragon Ball Z on TV. Same goes with Naruto, though I did watch it from a friend's dvd.

Dragonball is a whole 'nother story. Nothing special but if you want a simple and fairy tail-esque adventure with memorable characters, then yeah. Dragonball all the way. Loved that series and nearly everything about it.

Dragonball Z I could not see coming. It's mindless action and knows it.
I've only ever seen two episodes of Dragon Ball. I did watch GT fully but even that was only because it was not available in comic book form. As for the movies, I preferred to watch them in their actual form instead of the wierd animanga thing.
(09-24-2013, 05:52 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: I watched all of Cowboy Bebop again last week and it has such better writing, animation and character design that it feels strange to have come from the same country as the others. You can see the huge shift in animes these days to what they used to be like.

Shit has always been there. The shit that is coming out in the now and here is going to be more apparent than the shit that came out 10+ years ago as no one wants to remember them unless it's hilariously bad, just like any other medium.

As for Bebop, it's a really good show, but I never latched on to it personally as many other people did. Now for your comment on the actual animation specifically, then I would greatly disagree. Cowboy Bebop has good and consistent animation, but if we're talking about that aspect alone, many current anime out beat it in that regards.

As for "like other shows", I assume you mean Western style of shows. Even these days, you still get anime like that such as Baccano and Mitchiko and Hatchin, but as a whole, not really. They don't represent a majority of anime nowdays or 10 years ago. Truth is, western shows sell poorly in Japan and while they may have good stories, many companies don't try to take that risk. While Outlaw Star and Trigun are considered "legends" in the West, they sold rather poorly in Japan. Same with Baccano and Mitchiko.

Trigun was a special case as it was able to get a movie much later, but that was purely due to the fans in the West, which I consider really neat as honestly, sales outside of Japan when it comes to anime don't really contribute even a quarter of their sales.

Haven't watched Attack On Titan, but that's sort of the big anime that's out right now. All I know is that most people who list Bebop's as favorites are really enjoy the hell out of that show and are calling it great.
(09-24-2013, 12:42 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote:
(09-24-2013, 05:52 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: I watched all of Cowboy Bebop again last week and it has such better writing, animation and character design that it feels strange to have come from the same country as the others. You can see the huge shift in animes these days to what they used to be like.

Shit has always been there. The shit that is coming out in the now and here is going to be more apparent than the shit that came out 10+ years ago as no one wants to remember them unless it's hilariously bad, just like any other medium.

As for Bebop, it's a really good show, but I never latched on to it personally as many other people did. Now for your comment on the actual animation specifically, then I would greatly disagree. Cowboy Bebop has good and consistent animation, but if we're talking about that aspect alone, many current anime out beat it in that regards.

As for "like other shows", I assume you mean Western style of shows. Even these days, you still get anime like that such as Baccano and Mitchiko and Hatchin, but as a whole, not really. They don't represent a majority of anime nowdays or 10 years ago. Truth is, western shows sell poorly in Japan and while they may have good stories, many companies don't try to take that risk. While Outlaw Star and Trigun are considered "legends" in the West, they sold rather poorly in Japan. Same with Baccano and Mitchiko.

Trigun was a special case as it was able to get a movie much later, but that was purely due to the fans in the West, which I consider really neat as honestly, sales outside of Japan when it comes to anime don't really contribute even a quarter of their sales.

Haven't watched Attack On Titan, but that's sort of the big anime that's out right now. All I know is that most people who list Bebop's as favorites are really enjoy the hell out of that show and are calling it great.

Fair points and I think you're right. A good note is that you mentioned Outlaw Star which is another Anime I enjoyed. It's odd. When you look at Anime in the "old days" it has a different art style to what we have now. Proportionate characters that aren't about teens and their "problems". I've been meaning to watch the rest of Baccano as I've heard positive reviews on it. Even the first episode of Baccano had me life "I really think this is going to suck balls". As soon as I saw the interesting characters I was keen to continue, only the first episode in and there's body parts being merged back together again. "Oh we're gonna do this now"?

I'm not going to rant or bitch for paragraphs, but I'm going to give a perfect example of why I don't like a lot of the current Anime.
Attack on Titan is a perfect example of how to fuck up an incredibly promising Anime. "No, don't make this Anime about an uphill struggle about humans cornered and having to make sacrifices every episodes, but instead
completely voiding the character development and the struggles they endure to fight these overwhelming odds that barely ever considered a win in a confrontation." *breathe*.
Yes, the spoiler I saw confirmed why I can't stand Animes these days. It's mind blowing how generic/uninspired/unoriginal that Anime went only a few episodes in.
Watch the first 8 or so episodes and then you'll see what I mean.

"OMG you think you're so cool for not liking new Animoos. Watch Attack on Titan"
"This is why".
...It's kind of weird how the vast majority of my video game collection originated in Japan, but when it comes to my cartoons, I very rarely get into Japanese stuff anymore. It's pretty frustrating how they take a really good manga and then just turn into generic stuff they know will sell, even to the point of warping the characters.

I really wonder what the new Sailor Moon anime will be like. It was such good comic for young girls that did indeed feature romance, but not in a "hump every man that moves!" way that the anime did.
(09-25-2013, 07:02 PM)BumblebeeCody Wrote:
(09-24-2013, 12:42 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote:
(09-24-2013, 05:52 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: I watched all of Cowboy Bebop again last week and it has such better writing, animation and character design that it feels strange to have come from the same country as the others. You can see the huge shift in animes these days to what they used to be like.

Shit has always been there. The shit that is coming out in the now and here is going to be more apparent than the shit that came out 10+ years ago as no one wants to remember them unless it's hilariously bad, just like any other medium.

As for Bebop, it's a really good show, but I never latched on to it personally as many other people did. Now for your comment on the actual animation specifically, then I would greatly disagree. Cowboy Bebop has good and consistent animation, but if we're talking about that aspect alone, many current anime out beat it in that regards.

As for "like other shows", I assume you mean Western style of shows. Even these days, you still get anime like that such as Baccano and Mitchiko and Hatchin, but as a whole, not really. They don't represent a majority of anime nowdays or 10 years ago. Truth is, western shows sell poorly in Japan and while they may have good stories, many companies don't try to take that risk. While Outlaw Star and Trigun are considered "legends" in the West, they sold rather poorly in Japan. Same with Baccano and Mitchiko.

Trigun was a special case as it was able to get a movie much later, but that was purely due to the fans in the West, which I consider really neat as honestly, sales outside of Japan when it comes to anime don't really contribute even a quarter of their sales.

Haven't watched Attack On Titan, but that's sort of the big anime that's out right now. All I know is that most people who list Bebop's as favorites are really enjoy the hell out of that show and are calling it great.

Fair points and I think you're right. A good note is that you mentioned Outlaw Star which is another Anime I enjoyed. It's odd. When you look at Anime in the "old days" it has a different art style to what we have now. Proportionate characters that aren't about teens and their "problems". I've been meaning to watch the rest of Baccano as I've heard positive reviews on it. Even the first episode of Baccano had me life "I really think this is going to suck balls". As soon as I saw the interesting characters I was keen to continue, only the first episode in and there's body parts being merged back together again. "Oh we're gonna do this now"?

I'm not going to rant or bitch for paragraphs, but I'm going to give a perfect example of why I don't like a lot of the current Anime.
Attack on Titan is a perfect example of how to fuck up an incredibly promising Anime. "No, don't make this Anime about an uphill struggle about humans cornered and having to make sacrifices every episodes, but instead
completely voiding the character development and the struggles they endure to fight these overwhelming odds that barely ever considered a win in a confrontation." *breathe*.
Yes, the spoiler I saw confirmed why I can't stand Animes these days. It's mind blowing how generic/uninspired/unoriginal that Anime went only a few episodes in.
Watch the first 8 or so episodes and then you'll see what I mean.

"OMG you think you're so cool for not liking new Animoos. Watch Attack on Titan"
"This is why".

Blame it on the writer of the manga that is based on who had that in mind when he wrote it.
I'll probably watch Attack On Titan at some point. I heard about the spoiler, which honestly does sound really dumb, but I don't know the context of it, so I can't judge it. Anime has been able to take bizarre twists and stories while still having a theme that can apply to many people, so I'm use to some stuff like that as long as I know the context.

@Hex - Depends what manga you're looking at. Even with something like Sailor Moon, I'd consider that generic as it's most notable for being the land mark for magical girl anime, even if there are way more shows better than said work. Not bad my any means, just there that has had an impact on the anime industry.
(09-25-2013, 07:29 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote: @Hex - Depends what manga you're looking at. Even with something like Sailor Moon, I'd consider that generic as it's most notable for being the land mark for magical girl anime, even if there are way more shows better than said work. Not bad my any means, just there that has had an impact on the anime industry.

Nowadays of course! But it was really something special when it first came out, especially since manga wasn't yet that popular in the US. I was also more so using it as an example of how a manga get twisted in its anime adaptation. The manga was much better than its "Monster of the week" counterpart.
(09-25-2013, 07:29 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote: I'll probably watch Attack On Titan at some point. I heard about the spoiler, which honestly does sound really dumb, but I don't know the context of it, so I can't judge it. Anime has been able to take bizarre twists and stories while still having a theme that can apply to many people, so I'm use to some stuff like that as long as I know the context.

@Hex - Depends what manga you're looking at. Even with something like Sailor Moon, I'd consider that generic as it's most notable for being the land mark for magical girl anime, even if there are way more shows better than said work. Not bad my any means, just there that has had an impact on the anime industry.

I admit, I was really getting Attack on Titan. The premise was original(for me anyway, not that I had heard of this kind of idea done on this scale). The characters had a 2-3 episode background evolution but was already looking bleak by episode 5.
3 years of intense training with his friends only to have "that incident" happen in episode 5. "Oh damn the protagonist is...dead"!?

*Shortly after*
Writers: "Haha no, time to ruin this series".
I really don't understand Anime these days. (I know Anime is generalising and I'm sure there is good, no, amazing Anime out there, but Attack on Titan really pushes my point(Unless you like this kind of thing, then that's completely fine)).
I'll watch Baccano. Seen the first 3 episodes and it's kinda 'wobbly' for me. But have to give stuff chance right?

Does anyone have a good anime film to watch?
(09-25-2013, 07:48 PM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: Does anyone have a good anime film to watch?

You've probably already seen it, but Tokyo Godfathers is terrific.

Other than that... Not really. All the ones I've seen have been basically just long fillers for the TV show.
Yeah, I understand that you know not ALL anime is like that, I was just giving my thoughts and such as I never understood of all the recent dislike for current anime. Sometimes (not you), it's usually some people acting elitist due to it just being older and what not.

As for good anime films, my favorite anime film of all time is Millenium Actress, directed by the legendary Satoshi Kon. Everyone I know who has seen it has loved it and it avoids the usual anime stereotypes, so I think you would enjoy it.

@Hex - Curious, have you ever thought about watching Madoka Magica? I think you would enjoy it. It also helps that it's really short.
(09-25-2013, 07:53 PM)MexicanAnime Wrote: As for good anime films, my favorite anime film of all time is Millenium Actress, directed by the legendary Satoshi Kon. Everyone I know who has seen it has loved it and it avoids the usual anime stereotypes, so I think you would enjoy it.

@Hex - Curious, have you ever thought about watching Madoka Magica? I think you would enjoy it. It also helps that it's really short.

xD I like how we both recommended Satoshi Kon films. Everything he's made has been so good; I should check on the status of the film he was working on before he died. Last time I checked it seemed like it wasn't going to be finished.

I've just heard of and didn't really like the character designs at all. If it's short I suppose it wouldn't hurt; most folks do seem to like it.

Have I ever brought up Black Rock Shooter in here? It is a bit over rated, but worth seeing. I liked the premise of the OVA a lot better, though.
Funny enough, Tokyo Godfathers is the ONLY Kon work I have not seen. I plan to remedy this once Christmas time hits as that seems like an appropriate time to watch the movie.

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