Upcoming games that you look forward to. - Printable Version

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Upcoming games that you look forward to. - Xannidel - 03-22-2013

Now I did not notice a thread like this so HERE WE-A GO!

What games are you currently interested in buying in the future?

For me I am looking at Luigi's Mansion 2, Star Trek 2013 video game, Kingdom Hearts 1.5, Final Fantasy XIV: ARR, Final Fantasy: Lightning's Return and Bioshock Infinite.

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - Reeves Reus - 03-22-2013

Coming games for sure are Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and Fire Emblem: Awakening!

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - Hexadecimal - 03-22-2013

I'm in the Luigi club as well. Can't. Freaking. Wait.

There's also Soul Hackers coming up next month! I will be glued to my DS for quite awhile!

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - Berry - 03-22-2013

Can't wait for Pikmin 3.

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - PixelXenoKing - 03-22-2013

GTA V come on who is not looking foward to that?

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - BumblebeeCody - 03-22-2013

Bioshock Infinite! Bioshock Infinite! Bioshock Infinite!

Although Luigi month is interesting .

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - 2D Brain - 03-22-2013

Bioshock Infinite next week

Soul Sacrifice, Guacamelee, Dragon's Crown, Phantasy Star Online 2 on Vita

Shadowrun on Steam

...and Shovel Knight for PC/WiiU/3DS (still in kickstarter)

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - PixelXenoKing - 03-22-2013

(03-22-2013, 10:03 PM)2D Brain Wrote: Bioshock Infinite next week

Soul Sacrifice, Guacamelee, Dragon's Crown, Phantasy Star Online 2 on Vita

Shadowrun on Steam

...and Shovel Knight for PC/WiiU/3DS (still in kickstarter)

did you pre-order all of these games?

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - 2D Brain - 03-22-2013

I pledged to Shovel Knight's kickstarter to get it on PC. i should have supported the kickstarter for Shadowrun, but I was broke when it was happening. It'll be out this summer and I'll be on it day 1.

I did pre-order Bioshock, and I will absolutely buy all of those... I buy everything off Amazon with prime and I just don't pre-order anything until the last couple of weeks if it's not a really niche product.

Didn't list everything I'm gonna buy, or it would be ridiculous.

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - pyoro64 - 03-22-2013

Am I the only one who is waiting for the last of us?

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - JiraiyaSennin - 03-22-2013

I'm looking forward mostly too The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD remake, because it's my favorite game and I'm looking forward to the main titles from Nintendo. ie: New Mario Kart, new 3D Mario Game, new Super Smash Bros. game, Pikmin 3, and I also can't wait to see what they do with the virtual console on Wii U.

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - Xannidel - 03-23-2013

I forgot The Last of Us and also Phoenix Wright 5 (I could Apollo Justice to be the 4th game.

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - Dazz - 03-23-2013

I think we can all agree that we're waiting on the next Smash Bros... I'm also looking forward to KH 1.5, since I've not played Kingdom Hearts in an awfully long time, so it'd be nice to go through it again with the bonus content. That and Chain of Memories, which I started on the PS2, but never completed... I ignored the GBA version entirely, because it was a bastard to control.

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - hyrulesmasher - 03-23-2013

I'm waiting for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3.

RE: Upcoming games that you look forward to. - Mass Distraction - 03-23-2013

Aaaaah, my poor wallet...
  • Disgaea D2 : A Brighter Darkness
  • Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z (hopefully it's better than the crapfest called NG3) (at least Team Ninja is not the only one working on this)
  • Last of Us
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Mercenary Kings
  • Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
  • Mighty Switch Force 2
  • Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
  • Strider
  • Corpse Party 2 : Dead Patient
  • Corpse Party: Blood Drive
  • Dudebro : My Shit Is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
  • Ace Attorney 5
  • Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
  • Super Retro Squad
  • Fighting is Magic (or whatever the game is gonna be called when it releases)
As for games I'm waiting to get ported/localized:
  • Fez
  • Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
  • Project X Zone
  • Shantae (a GB game for eShop)
  • Persona 4 Arena
  • Ace Attorney Investigations 2
  • Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney
Rumored games I'm looking forward to nonetheless:
  • Resident Evil: Operation Terrestial Fear
  • Resident Evil Downfall

And uh... Apparently there's a remake of the Ducktales game coming up. Sigh... More money to be wasted.