VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - CosmykTheDolfyn - 03-19-2015
So, I made a quick exucutive descion. Past winners are nominated to be potentially repeats. Except me. I hate me being a repeat. That's actually the only reason I came up with that rule. Instead, previous winners names are in bold. They're still nominees (this is also totally not a cop-out to come up with more nominees). Some awards that didn't really pull in any nominees/caused some controversy were axed. Cheers!
Award dealing to specific posts will be updated soon to include that post/text.
Best GIFFer: retrolinkx, Psychospacecow, Arjahn
Most Compulsive Thanker: PsychospaceCow, gamemaster1991, Kakariko Kid
Most Delicious Person: PsychospaceCow, CosmykTheDolfyn, Beware of Cuccos
Most Quoted Person: SERIOUSLY THOUGH, gamemaster1991
Best what's that thing under our usernames: Mass Distraction, CosmykTheDolfyn, Psychospacecow, tigerlilly
Best Dream:
retrolinkx So, It started with me going to a Charity shop to find that there is a huge box of video games basically taking up the middle of the shop. So, I browse through them well suddenly I black out.
So I awake in my neighbourhood, I have a string of local shops, and I seem to be there in a weird resistance or something. It's full of my friends and vidya game characters.
Anyhow, I'm talking to one of my friends while walking up the street and he tells me that there is no one else we can recruit due to the fact they will always die. I call bullshit and try to recruit the person in front of us.
As this happens, a sniper from afar shoots my wrist (and it is still hurting while I type this. Pain man, how does it work?) and then we start to go into combat mode, I run back up the street, and you know what I fucking see. A huge gang of nudist bikers. No idea what was going on here, but I just remember telling them to "Watch out, sniper above on the house. You may want to watch out since you're not dressed for the occasion"
I return to my friends and one of them patches me up and we go to recruit someone else, we go into the same charity shop I went into and find myself there, browsing through these games. My friends then try to recruit that version of me as well.
Not sure what happened after that, but I do remember something along the lines of Phoenix Wright trying to start a heist on a Casino before I woke up. Beware Of Cuccos Last night, I had a dream that I worked for Normal Boots. It was AWESOME. CosmykTheDolfyn So, I had a dream that I got called into work and had to leave immediately.
So, I got up and started getting ready. Right before I left, I checked my phone. It was 2:00 AM. No one had called me. It was all a dream. I really got up, showered and everything because I dreamed I got called into work.
I might need help, please. Kakariko Kid So, I'm in a little store and a little old lady turns into a zombie. I find rolls of gift rap (of all things) and just let her have it...except the tubes break...I have no recollection of how I killed her, finally. I start finding food items.
Then, I flash forward to being in the house I lived in from 1992 to 1998 (in reality), except it was in the middle of the country instead of in the city. I saw some guys riding a 4-wheeler and thought for sure that things were going to get ugly, they must have wanted our supplies. The driver stops at the window (where my bedroom used to be, in reality) and waits for me to open it. By this point, I have a knife ready and am prepared to stab him in the throat. BUT, he hands me some type of toy track/play set for Hot Wheels cars and such (btw, my younger daughter has been using her chore earnings to by these cars. Once again, reality). So, I wake her up from her sleep to accept the present and to thank these guys. I still have no idea who they were or how they knew she is into toy cars.
Someone else shows up and recruits me for "a important job". I accept and prepare my family for my departure since, you know, there's a zombie apocalypse going on. But, I haven't seen a zombie since beating that old lady down with wrapping paper.
Fast forward and I'm in a factory (the building is where I work in reality...big surprise). There is ten of us "chosen people" and we are given information from a guy I don't recognize. We have to make a delivery.
So, there are two huge metal things in the floor. Rectangular shaped and there are three sections to each. We are to "ride" on these "blocks" and"deliver the package". So, 5 riders per "block". I jump on and straddle it as of I'm riding a motorcycle. THEN, I finally decide to look at the other guys. Two guys are spoeting mullet hair cuts and look like David Spade/Joe Dirt. The other 7 are cross-dressing rednecks (this is turning into The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Is it a nightmare now?) and they are guys I work with. I did a face palm.
Then, these metal blocks turn on and start flying like rockets. Slow rockets. So, with each rocket block metal thingy having the sections, it starst moving up and down. I feel like I'm riding that dog in The Never Ending Story.
Finally, we arrived at our destinations and the delivery is complete. I see a sports magazine and see a picture of a professional baseball player. The guy in the magazine is the guy in front of us. This is not a normal baseball player. In the magazine, he was wearing some sort of suit that has a carbon fiber look to it. This "package" we delivered would have one section that was dedicated to this baseball player. Each block would somehow be taken apart and remanufactured as his new "upgrade".
Good for him. He's worried about being a "better" ball player. Also, where are the zombies?
And, I woke up.
Lord of the Forum: Petie, Rob, SERIOUSLY THOUGH
Most Amazing Pets: Beware Of Cuccos/Boomer, SERIOUSLY THOUGH, tigerlilly/Dazz
Most Majestic Selfies: tigerlilly, SERIOUSLY THOUGH, Beware Of Cuccos, Raiden Blackwood
Most Majestic Photos Period! tigerlilly, Beware Of Cuccos, Hexadecimal
Most Interesting Vent: Hexadecimal, CLXCool, gamemaster1991,
Best Avatar: PsychospaceCow, Hexadecimal, Beware Of Cuccos, SERIOUSLY THOUGH
Best Signature: Arjahn, SERIOUSLY THOUGH, GameWizzard101, Psychospacecow
Most Reputable: Petie, G-Haven (I'm only typing the nominees. I didn't change anything)
The Topic Setter: Beware of Cuccos, CLXCool, RepentantSky
Best Addition to the Cuccos Lore: Arjahn
News Anchor: SERIOUSLY THOUGH, CLXCool, Psychospacecow
Get Some Sleep, Man!: gamemaster1991 (K, he's a shoe in again. Stat based awards, baby).
Most Impressive Collection: Hexadecimal, Mass Distraction, Pewable
Best Tattoo: Boomer, Beware Of Cuccos, Hexadecimal,
Best Creative Work: SERIOUSLY THOUGH, CLXcool, Boyobmas, Psychospacecow
Most Manly Day (I swear I'll get more original post in here than my own, but I'm running out of time and have to leave soon):
CosmykTheDolfyn So... my dad bought a bulldozer today and I helped unload it. Fortunately no one was crushed during the process.
But you're probably thinking "Cosmy, what on earth did you unload the bulldozer from?" This is where it gets interesting. He ordered it online disassembled and had it shipped to the factory where he works at and then put all the pieces in the back of his truck using a forklift. I know you can buy a lot of things online, but buying a full sized bulldozer in the same state as an Ikea table kind of took me by surprise. Hundreds of little screws, nuts and everything in bags and cardboard boxes. So anyways, we didn't have a forklift at home to unload, so we had to do it ourselves with boards out the back of his truck. While moving a 500+ pound box full of parts, the boards snapped and miraculously it didn't land on myself, my father or brother. Talk about a good scare though.
I'm really worried about this thing though. I know for a fact that my father is good enough of an engineer and mechanic to put this whole crazy thing back together, but I'm worried how much I'll get roped into the hair-brained scheme and whether he'll actually ever finish. Considering he has several motorcycles in the garage made entirely by himself... 75% complete.
SERIOUSLY THOUGH (Shooting at Parliament!)Just some info on this shooting at parliament, as it doesn't have a blurb attached !
I was happily working away like I usually do up on Parliament Hill here in Ottawa when a gunman forces his way into the building and starts shooting. He's subdued by the excellent security forces we have whilst we're all being evacuated as best we can, not knowing if there are other terrorists ready to pop out right next to us.
Then I spend the next 12 hours in a saferoom as they secure every nook of the parliamentary buildings to make sure that no more shooters are hiding out.
So now I can add "survived terrorist attack" to my CV :) Beware Of Cuccos/Boomer
Craziest Day at Work(For the record, I didn't get enough nominations here, so I sifted through nine pages of the Weird Stories at Work thread and found some good ones):
SEROUSLY THOUGH Just some info on this shooting at parliament, as it doesn't have a blurb attached !
I was happily working away like I usually do up on Parliament Hill here in Ottawa when a gunman forces his way into the building and starts shooting. He's subdued by the excellent security forces we have whilst we're all being evacuated as best we can, not knowing if there are other terrorists ready to pop out right next to us.
Then I spend the next 12 hours in a saferoom as they secure every nook of the parliamentary buildings to make sure that no more shooters are hiding out.
So now I can add "survived terrorist attack" to my CV :) tigerlilly Ages ago, when I worked at a bookshop, we had a guy come in the shop and climb under the table, drop his trousers and start wanking. We kicked him out. CosmykTheDolfyn So, last week, I had a patient die on me.
She was very weak and in bed. Me, being in physical therapy, was doing some very simple exercise with her, trying to build up some endurance. All it was simply sliding her heels back and forth; me assisting her in such due to how weak she was.
Partway through, she grabs me hand, squeezes it tight, and starts to shed a few tears. She could no longer speak, but she'd still move her lips. I can't read lips very well, but I think she mouthed "I'm so weak, I can't carry on". So, I told it was all right, and I just held her hand for a few minutes. She went to sleep, but was still VERY MUCH ALIVE. After a bit of time with this, I went and told one of the nurses, and they came by and checked on her.
Not very long after I left and she was in other's care, she passed away. In fact, she never woke up. I comforted someone in their very last moments. Maybe it even made her passing easier; I'm not sure. At first I was afraid I killed her, but that wasn't the case. It's just a very weird feeling; it's still hard to think about. You just don't know how to describe it. I guess it happens with almost everyone at least once or twice that works in Nursing homes (you're just dealing with a population near death), but I'm glad I just sat there and held her hand instead of trying to get her to do more.
Oh, and that same day, I had an angry patient grab me by the balls. It was just an odd day. TheTrueBoss997 I used to work at this computer place. Repairing and taking apart and all that glorious stuff. On my first week we had a truck come by to recycle some of our stuff. We would take it upstairs then load it on the truck. In the process of this the boss runs out the door and yells at us that we damaged his car. His car was no where near us and no one was even around it. He then lectured us saying his car was more important than all of our lives. He made us stop our work to STARE at his car for ten minutes. His car was junk, it's the kind of car you see people selling at such low price. Then he got in and drove away. We had to leave early. I felt sorry for the truck driver, it started to rain and he had to wait for our boss. Hexadecimal So right when us three ladies who start the early shift walk into the kitchen at 5:30 AM we smell a very strong skunk smell. The back doors to the loading dock are open due to a vent malfunctioning, so we're freaking out that one found its way into that room.
The supervisor cautiously entered and I hear her scream. I think that there is indeed a skunk and it has either sprayed her, or is running into the kitchen, but instead this massive dragonfly comes in. Eventually the smell went away, and we never saw a skunk, but there was a dead mouse in a trap.
We eventually caught the dragonfly in a bag and set him free.
Trivia Star: gamemaster1991
Game with most contribution: Grand Theft Auto IV
Best Day Ever!: CosmykTheDolfyn You know what colostomy bags contain? Just imagine how bad it smells if one breaks open. Then imagine how bad you'd smell if one broke open with you beside it and contents got on your shirt. Imagine how your shirt would smell for the rest of your work day...
That was my day today. Smelly. Very very very smelly.
(The person who nominated this either A) loves irony or B) hates me. I'm assuming choice A.) CLXcool I went to Pax today for the first time. I had a freaking blast.
The invite was on short notice(my sister was supposed to go with her boyfriend, but was busy on the friday, she managed to go to the other two days). I didn't have time to cosplay. Maybe next year I'll cosplay as a video game character. Beware Of Cuccos
Best User Title that Matches User: CosmykTheDolfyn, BumbleBeeCody, Psychospacecow
Biggest Goddam Tease: Beardy, Kat, Mass Distraction (he makes his own awesome signature and avatar then never post any more art. WHY???)
The Streamer Award: Arjahn, BumblebeeCody, CosmykTheDolfyn
Coolest Consoles: Kakariko Kid, retrolinkx, Mass Distraction, BumbleBeeCody
The Librarian: tigerlilly, Dazz, DYKG
Well, compiling all of that only took an hour.
Best Trivia Finds!:
CosmykTheDolfyn F-Zero-Star Fox universe mingling
Mass Distraction: Triple Mobile Light Trivia
Psychospacecow Yu-Gi-Oh game showcases character well before cartoon appearance!
Kakariko Kid Excitebike in LoZ:MM
gamemaster1991: Universal Monsters: The Game
CLXcool The Kingdom Hearts... Cartoon?
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - Psychospacecow - 03-19-2015
You're doing Black and White player character's work, son.
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - gamemaster1991 - 03-19-2015
Do I have to write a reson for voting them in? I have my votes ready to go and decided to ask.
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - tigerlily - 03-20-2015
This is exciting! Hehe!
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - SERIOUSLY THOUGH - 03-20-2015
What's the voting format ?
One vote for our chosen wiener, or preferential ?
Also, I would assume you can't vote for a category for which you're nominated as if you vote for yourself, it's silly, and if you vote for someone else that isn't you, it's even more silly.
PS - Will be putting up my 50-word spiels later today :)
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - CosmykTheDolfyn - 03-20-2015
Ok, I completely goofed up and forget to detail voting because... reasons. I was tired last night, ok?
So it will be preferential, and I've included an example from last year. So, votes can be sent to me by PM. I'll count and tally them and reveal the winners Sunday. So, just rate your top choices 1-whatever. Last year, somebody voted in this order for Best Avatar:
1:Combat Lobster
Meaning that the number 1 pick is Combat Lobster in this example, and then so on. Once you send votes in this format to me in a PM, I'll tally everyone's votes and the person with the LOWEST score is the winner. That simple.
Also, I'm thinking of an awards show/ceremony this Sunday, the 22cd, at around 5 PM Eastern Standard Time. Everyone please comment on whether or not that time works. On that note, I'll quit taking votes Sunday 12 PM Eastern Standard Time. Give me some time to count.
I also think instead of a large Skype call like last year and trying to chase everyone down in one group, we'll just use the VGFacts Mumble Server! We'll just have to choose which room to use, but with a max capacity of 100 people, we should have plenty of space to talk.
Also, adding the Best Trivia Found Award now that I somehow forgot.
(03-19-2015, 11:35 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: Do I have to write a reson for voting them in? I have my votes ready to go and decided to ask.
No, just vote! Send it to me in a PM!
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - Kakariko Kid - 03-20-2015
I thought I'd have a chance at the Get Some Sleep, Man" award. I usually forget to log out and often fall asleep with my mobile device still logged in. Gamemaster1991, GET SOME SLEEP, MAN!!!
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - Boyobmas - 03-20-2015
Do you have to vote for all of the catagories? Or can you just vote for a few?
Also, hey! I'm nominated! Sweet! :D
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - CosmykTheDolfyn - 03-20-2015
(03-20-2015, 09:13 AM)Boyobmas Wrote: Do you have to vote for all of the catagories? Or can you just vote for a few?
Also, hey! I'm nominated! Sweet! :D
Vote for as many or as few as want to!
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - Beware of Cuccos - 03-20-2015
5pm Eastern is 4pm Central, yes? That should be good. Also, i'll have to post some pictures of my tattoos so I have a chance this year!
-Vote for as many or as few categories as you want.
-Definitely vote for yourself. I did! :D
-Send the votes in a PM to CosmykTheDolfyn
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - retrolinkx - 03-20-2015
Holy shit, I've actually forgotten that I had that dream, thanks for reminded me.
I'll vote either today or tomorrow.
Also, I would've submitted to the "Best trivia finds" bit but I thought you guys were looking for specific ones, not just good ones in general since I have a few.
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - gamemaster1991 - 03-20-2015
Do I really have interesting vents? I normally just do it to relieve some stress.
It's still nice to have another category that I have an equal chance to win.
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - CLXcool - 03-20-2015
After looking at the nominees. I'm surprised that i'm actually nominated more this time around apart from 'creative work'. Interesting vent? I wonder which vent you thought that was actually good to nominate me for that(I have a ton of them). News Anchor? Best Day ever and Best trivia finds? Wow. I'm really rolling in the nominees this time around. I'm gonna have to think this one over before sending in my votes(i'm almost tempting on voting myself but I dont think that would be fair). Best of luck to everyone.
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - SERIOUSLY THOUGH - 03-20-2015
Just some info on this shooting at parliament, as it doesn't have a blurb attached !
I was happily working away like I usually do up on Parliament Hill here in Ottawa when a gunman forces his way into the building and starts shooting. He's subdued by the excellent security forces we have whilst we're all being evacuated as best we can, not knowing if there are other terrorists ready to pop out right next to us.
Then I spend the next 12 hours in a saferoom as they secure every nook of the parliamentary buildings to make sure that no more shooters are hiding out.
So now I can add "survived terrorist attack" to my CV :)
RE: VGFacts Awards 2015 Nominees! - Boyobmas - 03-20-2015
I should be able to cast my vote either later tonight or sometime tommorow. It's quite exciting! :)