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Capcom vs. SNK 2 - NO TIME FOR LOSERS - Printable Version +- VGFacts (https://archive.vgfacts.com) +-- Forum: Main (https://archive.vgfacts.com/forum-1.html) +--- Forum: Trivia Discussion (https://archive.vgfacts.com/forum-17.html) +---- Forum: Trivia Evidence (https://archive.vgfacts.com/forum-16.html) +---- Thread: Capcom vs. SNK 2 - NO TIME FOR LOSERS (/thread-3934.html) |
Capcom vs. SNK 2 - NO TIME FOR LOSERS - ZpaceJ0ck0 - 08-11-2017 Eagle's win quotes in Capcom vs SNK 2 are completely different between regions: English win quotes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tcsKZNzLTo Japanese win quotes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-3HxsSQ83w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIMQB8cQkPg
RANDOM QUOTES ・最高に楽しい気分だ。これを止める権利は、誰にもない! I’m feeling supremely amused. No one has the right to stop this! ・せっかくの舞台だ。敗北も、被虐の喜びとして楽しみたまえ。 Since you’ve so fought, try to enjoy the suffering of your defeat. ・格闘とは崇高な儀式だ。ときとして求愛の行為たらしむ。 Fighting is a sacred ritual. At times, it entices even acts of love. ・敗者とは従属者なのだ。勝者にその身を、全て捧げなければならぬ。 Losers are subordinates. They must sacrifice their body to the winner; all of it. ・棒術のフルコース、まだ味わい足りぬかね? I’ve just made you a full course of bōjutsu; wasn’t it enough? vs Ryu 対戦者に対する敬愛を感じられた。君は素晴しい男だ。 You made me feel your respect and affection for your opponent. You’re a splendid man. vs Ken ファンを大切にするのは悪くないが、闘いの間は私に集中してもらいたい。 There’s nothing wrong in caring for your fans, but I wish you concentrate on me during the fight. vs Chun-Li 君にわかるかな?私が今、どんな気持ちなのか? Can you understand? Can you understand how I feel now? vs Guile 君のパトリオッット(愛国心)では、私を貫くことは残念だが無理だな。 I’m sorry, but it’s useless trying to pierce me with your patriotism. vs Honda 私の双棒が反則ならば君のその巨躯はどう説明するのかね? If my batons are a foul, then how do you explain your big frame? vs Dhalsim 長ければいいというものではあるまい。 I don’t think that the saying “the longer, the better” holds true. vs Blanka 野趣あふるるビター・テイスト...危険な感情がわいてくるよ。 The bitter taste of rusticity... I’m feeling dangerous emotions. vs Cammy 失礼。お嬢さんには興味がないのだよ。 My apologies. I am not interested in young ladies. vs Zangief フゥーム....申し訳ないが、その肉体には特別な感情は芽生えない。 Hmm... I’m so very sorry, but your body doesn’t cause any particular feeling to bud in me. vs Eagle まったく、やりにくいものだ。いったい何本あることやら.... That was tough. Just how many sticks were there...? vs Yun ヘイ、ボーイ。まだ腰が甘いぞ。攻めと受け、もっと使い分けなくてはね。 Hey, boy. Your hips are still slow. You should use attack and defence properly¹. vs Rolento 厳しく律するだけでは、人はなびかない。心地よくいざなうこともまた必要では? People don’t obey if you simply order them around harshly like that. What if you ask them nicely? vs Maki 棍の扱いには慣れているようだが、さすがに私のモノは手に余ったようだね。 It seems you’ve accustomed to your stick’s use, but mine are definitely beyond your abilities. vs Dan スラップスティック役者としてなら一流と認めるがね。 I’ve got to admit that as a slapstick comedian you’d be top-notch, though. vs Sakura 断言しよう。君は未精錬、かつ未成熟だ。 I hereby declare: you are untrained, and immature. vs Kyosuke じらさないでくれ。君ならもっと、はじけられるはずだ。 Don’t tease me. You should open yourself more. vs Morrigan 色香で惑わそうなど、無駄なことだ。理由?野暮な質問はよしてくれ。 Trying to seduce me with charm is useless. The reason? Don’t ask dumb questions. vs Balrog 私にてってこの棍棒は、君のグローブと同じ...魂であり、恋人なのだ。 My batons are like your gloves... They are souls, and are like lovers. vs Vega あくなき美に対する執着。それも一種のフェチシズムか。 An insatiable attachment to beauty. Even that is a sort of fetishism, maybe. vs Sagat 噂に高い猛虎の攻め、楽しませてもらった。思わず全てを委ねてみたくなったよ。 I’ve quite enjoyed the attacks² of the renowned fierce tiger. I almost instinctively wanted to abandon myself to it. vs Bison 君に与えたのは屈辱ではない。退廃的快楽のはずだよ。 What I’ve inflicted you is not humiliation. It should be more a morbid pleasure. vs Akuma 地獄のオーガとは君のことを指すのだな。 The expression “hell’s demon” certainly identifies you. vs Evil Ryu 破壊衝動がもたらす超人的なパワーか。華を求める私には無用のものだな。 A superhuman power that brings about a destructive urge? I’m searching for the best, I don’t need that. vs Shin Akuma ...なんというエナジーだ。脈々とたぎる、この熱さ...おお! ...What an energy. It boils ceaselessly, and this warmth... Ooh! vs Kyo 秘術とてそう幾度も晒せば、弱点などおのずと見えてくるのだ。 If you keep showing off repeatedly your secret techniques like that, you end up also exposing your weaknesses. vs Iori それが復讐と増悪の炎か...いいね。ゾクゾクするよ。 So that’s the flame of vengeance... beautiful. I’m shivering. vs Mai 確か「オイラン」...日本では君のような娘をそう呼ぶと聞いたが、違うのかね? I’m quite sure that girls like you are called “oiran”³ in Japan... Am I mistaken? vs Ryo 肉体だけでなく精神も鍛えているのか。なるほど...君に興味がわいてきたよ。 You’ve trained not only your body, but your mind as well? Indeed... Now I’m interested in you. vs Yuri 君に勝っても面白くない。なぜなら...そう、屈服感がない。 Winning over you isn’t amusing. Because... yes, I don’t feel your submission. vs Athena フーム、君のペースには乗りきれないな。もっとリズミカルなのが好みだ。 Hmm, I can’t weather your pace. I’d prefer a more rhythmical one. vs King レディには踏み込めない不可侵領域。紳士の世界は、かくも奥深いものなのだ。 There’s an inviolable territory a lady can’t step into. The gentlemen’s world is so deep. vs Benimaru 黄色い声援など、どれほどのものかね。男にしか解らぬ愉悦に、かなうべくもない! Girls’ shrill voices can’t do much. They can’t rival those joys only a man can understand! vs Terry ずいぶんと大人しい狼だね。食いちぎる程のパワーを期待したのだが。 You’re a very gentle wolf, after all. I expected a power able to bite me off, though. vs Rock まだ若い君には、いろいろな経験が必要だ。いろいろとね...! You’re still young, you need experience. Of various types...! vs Kim 正しさよりも、気持ち良さのほうが肝要だ。こと私の闘いにおいてはね。 Feeling good is more vital than being correct. I’m speaking about my fight. vs Chang なにも心配することはない。私は外見で人を判断したりはしないよ。 Don’t worry. I don’t judge a person from his outward appearance. vs Joe 君との闘いには手応えがない。しかし口答えは、実に達者だな。 I don’t feel your defence in combat. But as for back-talking, you’re very skilled. vs Todo その様子では、護身など叶わぬだろう。好きなように攻めてくれといわんばかりだ。 You won’t accomplish your self-protection that way. I’m tempted to incite you to attack me however you want. vs Raiden 愚か者はいつも、最後の詰めに無神経だ。 The fools are always insensible until the very end. vs Haohmaru カタナの切れ味、楽しめたよ。次はぜひ、サムライの神秘に迫りたい。 I’ve enjoyed the sharpness of your sword. I definitely want to approach to samurai mysteries. vs Nakoruru 格闘にエコロジストの思想はノーサンキューだ。 Ecologist ideas in a fight? No, thank you. vs Hibiki フェンシングの速さにも劣らぬ剣技だね。私の二棍にはまだ及ばぬようだが。 A sword technique whose swiftness matches fencing. But it seems it isn’t on par with my two sticks. vs Vice 破壊が目的の加虐趣味、か。レベルの低い自慰行為だ。 A sadistic hobby to destroy? It’s a low-level method of pleasuring oneself⁴. vs Rugal 畏怖による隷属など、無粋の極みだ。互いに昇華してこそ『愛』ではないかね? Servitude due to fear is the most inelegant thing. Isn’t “love” rather a matter of mutual sublimation? vs Yamazaki なかなかの悪漢ぶりだ。久々の征服感にしびれたよ。 You have the manners of a real scoundrel. That sense of subjugation I’ve felt in a long time excited me. vs Geese まず喜びを享受することだ。勝敗など、単なる結果に過ぎないのだから。 You must accept this delight. Because the outcome of the battle is nothing more than an outcome⁵. vs Orochi Iori 絶望もまた人生における1つの享楽。君の生き方、否定はしない。 Even despair is one of the joys of life. I won’t deny you your lifestyle. vs Ultimate Rugal 奇跡でもなんでもない。己が欲望に、より忠実な私の勝ちだ。 It’s not a miracle at all. It’s only the victory of the one more devoted to his desires. ¹ While the “hips” part is obvious, what is very funny is the “attack and defence” one. 攻め seme “attack” and 受け uke “defence” are also used in the Japanese gay world to mean the active and passive role respectively. "Attack" and "defence" are scattered across the quotes with the same double entendre :rofl: ² Yes, “seme” as ¹. ³ ROTFL, Eagle took Mai for an old-times prostitute... ⁴ Standard Japanese euphemism for “masturbation”. ⁵ No, the original Japanese doesn't carry the double meaning “coming out” has in English, but I admit it was hilarious. |