Abbreviations. - Printable Version

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Abbreviations. - retrolinkx - 03-12-2018

So I've been thinking recently about abbreviation. in game names and what comes to mind when someone posts one.

For example, if I were to say "I was playing AC" last night, you'd probably think Assassin's Creed or Animal Crossing but not Armored Core. So I was thinking of having a thread of listing off abbreviations and what they mean to you specifically.

It's not really a forum game so I didn't really want to put it there, and while it's vaguely related to a vidya I thought it'd be fine here.

Add some of your own if you want, some you might get confused by.

AA -
AC -
FF -
MK -
CS -
DE - 
RE -
SA -
SH -
SF -
SC -
DS -
DR -
DD -
MM -
AW -
MF -
KI -
TS -
ME -
TR -
GR -

Sorry if this is kind of spammy, but it's just a bit interesting and I'd like to see what people think of when they see things like that.

RE: Abbreviations. - ZpaceJ0ck0 - 03-12-2018

AC - what retrolinkx said
FF - Fatal Fury or Final Fantasy
MK - Mortal Kombat
CS - Counter-Strike
RE - Resident Evil
SA - San Andreas
SF - Street Fighter
SC - Stardust Crusaders (not a game, but still)
DS - Dark Souls or the Nintendo DS
MM - Majora's Mask
DD - Double Dragon
KI - Killer Instinct

If I skipped some abreviations is because they don't have a specific meaning to me.

RE: Abbreviations. - Psychospacecow - 03-12-2018

Alright, lets see how this goes.

AA - Ace Attorney
AC - Ace Combat
FF - Final Fantasy
MK - Mario Kart
CS - Counterstrike OR Cities: Skylines
DK - Dungeon Keeper
DQ - Dragon Quest
RE - Resident Evil
SA - San Andreas
SH - Shadow Hearts
SF - Street Fighter
SC - Starcraft
DS - Darkstalkers or Dungeon Siege
DR - Dead rising
DD - Darkest Dungeon
MM - Megaman
AW - Advance Wars
OW - Overwatch
SG - Skullgirls
MF - Metroid Fusion
KI - Kid Icarus
TS - Train Simulator?
ME - Mass Effect
TR - Tomb Raider
GR - Ghost Recon

RE: Abbreviations. - Kakariko Kid - 03-12-2018

FF - Final Fight
MM - Majora's Mask, Mario Maker
KI - Killer Instinct
SF - Street Fighter, Sonic Forces

RE: Abbreviations. - Arjahn - 03-12-2018

AA - America's Army (oh god great start)
AC - Animal Crossing actually
FF - Final Fantasy
MK - Mortal Kombat
CS - Counterstrike
DE - Desert Eagle (From CS?)
RE - Resident Evil
SF - Street Fighter
SC - Soul Calibur
DS - Dark Souls
DD - Dragon's Dogma
MM - Modern Masters (Magic the gathering set iunno)
TS - Timesplitters

RE: Abbreviations. - Berry - 03-12-2018

MS- Metal Slugs
MM- Megaman
MK- Mortal Kombat
MP- Mario Party
FE- Fire Emblem
BK... Banjo-Kazooie

RE: Abbreviations. - RepentantSky - 03-15-2018

AA- Ace Attorney
AC - Ace Combat
FF - Fatal Fury
MK - Mario Kart
CS - Cave Story
DE -
RE - Resident Evil
SA -
SH -
SF -
SC -
DS - Dance Stage
DR -
DD -
MM - Media Molecule
AW -
MF -
KI -
TS -
ME -
TR -
GR -

Honestly I can't fill a lot of these in without doing ones every has, so I'm gonna had a few.

MH - Monster Hunter
SG -SaGa
PS - Phantasy Star
STD - Spyro The Dragon
CB - Crash Bandicoot
TO - Tales Of
FE - Fire Emblem

RE: Abbreviations. - Takahashi2212 - 03-16-2018

AA - Ace Attorney
AC - Animal Crossing
FF - Final Fantasy
MK - Mortal Kombat
CS - Counter-Strike
RE - Resident Evil
SA - Sonic Adventure
SF - Street Fighter
SC - Soul Calibur
DS - Dark Souls
DR - Dead Rising
MM - Majora's Mask
KI - Killer Instinct
ME - Mass Effect