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    Thread: Ability to add boxart?
Post: RE: Ability to add boxart?

It would be nice to eventually allow users to upload boxart and the like with an approval process, but I imagine that Pete and I won't be able to implement it any time soon. I can't speak on his behal...
Dazz Site Discussion 9 13,872 08-06-2017, 09:42 AM
    Thread: Ports, Should they not need their Own Page?
Post: RE: Ports, Should they not need their Own Page?

"once this smash 4 port is announced" - You mean the rumours which have yet to be confirmed? This is a site of providing factual information! We'll deal with it when the time comes. It of course de...
Dazz Trivia Discussion 2 4,383 06-07-2017, 09:05 AM
    Thread: The 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!' thread
Post: RE: The 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!' thread

Thank you guys, much love! I'm sorry I'm so late to respond, had one hell of a week :) I appreciate your commitment to this site. We will be back again to being on top of things soon, I hope.
Dazz General Discussion 1,388 1,605,665 01-20-2017, 12:12 PM
    Thread: No Offense, but what's happening with VGFacts
Post: RE: No Offense, but what's happening with VGFacts

We're now actively working to bring the queue down. We're tackling it in an order that allows a few of us to work on it at the same time.
Dazz Site Discussion 27 37,070 05-02-2016, 05:26 PM
    Thread: No Offense, but what's happening with VGFacts
Post: RE: No Offense, but what's happening with VGFacts

We can approve more than 1 an hour, it goes into a secondary queue which then publishes it to the front page every hour. The queue is currently sitting at about 1,040 submissions. We've had a lo...
Dazz Site Discussion 27 37,070 04-09-2016, 09:29 AM
    Thread: The 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!' thread
Post: RE: The 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!' thread

Thanks guys :)
Dazz General Discussion 1,388 1,605,665 01-15-2016, 09:59 AM
    Thread: Issue on the home page
Post: RE: Issue on the home page

I've mentioned it to Pete, should be fixed soon. edit: I actually fixed it myself. Should be good now. :)
Dazz Site Discussion 1 3,287 01-09-2016, 11:38 AM
    Thread: Got a Blue Lablled Series in One of my Pending Submissions
Post: RE: Got a Blue Lablled Series in One of my Pending...

It previously existed, but no longer does. This is likely blue as it was once on the site, until we realised it is actually a subsidiary. You should check those submissions when these comes up.
Dazz Site Discussion 2 4,738 12-09-2015, 01:38 PM
    Thread: Interesting observation about Silver's theme from Sonic 06
Post: RE: Interesting observation about Silver's theme f...

Yes. This is remotely similar in that it has a progressive tune with a riff occurring in rhythm over it. Also, Music Sounds Better With You is far from an obscure dance track...
Dazz Trivia Discussion 2 6,593 10-29-2015, 08:30 PM
    Thread: Dying Light Easter Eggs
Post: Dying Light Easter Eggs

I'm currently on a playthrough of Dying Light with Patient Zero. While playing it, I'll be cataloguing any references we spot in this thread and using it as a source for trivia on the site. This threa...
Dazz Trivia Evidence 0 3,427 09-23-2015, 12:57 PM
    Thread: Windows 10
Post: RE: Windows 10

I've been using it for probably near on a year now. I've loved it since the start, and personally the bugs I've encountered are actually present in Windows 7 as well. Things relating to explorer not p...
Dazz Help! 17 20,698 09-13-2015, 04:25 AM
    Thread: Phantom Pain ACC (Pequod) Moby Dick Reference
Post: Phantom Pain ACC (Pequod) Moby Dick Reference

The codename of the Aerial Command Center, pequod, is named after the ship belonging to the whaling crew featured in Moby Dick. Short of reading the book, this summary contains references to ...
Dazz Trivia Evidence 0 3,839 09-04-2015, 11:08 AM
    Thread: Posting multiple trivia for a game not currently on the site
Post: RE: Posting multiple trivia for a game not current...

I was also considering a possible "Submit Another" button on the trivia submission page, so that if you want to submit multiple pieces of trivia to a game you can. I know I've wanted to submit multipl...
Dazz Site Discussion 6 7,971 08-19-2015, 04:44 PM
    Thread: Posting multiple trivia for a game not currently on the site
Post: RE: Posting multiple trivia for a game not current...

We could possibly set up a system for your own pending game submissions easy enough - go to your pending submissions, and have a button for "submit another" next to the game not yet on the site. Have ...
Dazz Site Discussion 6 7,971 08-19-2015, 01:24 PM
    Thread: Batman Arkham Knight "The Dark Knight" Refrence
Post: RE: Batman Arkham Knight "The Dark Knight" Refrenc...

Wow, nice pick up on that one. That line in The Dark Knight was so heavy... I need to watch that film again, it was so god damn good.
Dazz Trivia Evidence 1 5,391 06-30-2015, 04:01 AM
    Thread: Biggest Minecraft pixel art
Post: RE: Biggest Minecraft pixel art

I wouldn't really deem this as trivia, to be honest.
Dazz Trivia Evidence 5 8,511 06-24-2015, 11:33 AM
    Thread: Poll: Which Final Fantasy are you most anticipating?
Post: RE: Poll: Which Final Fantasy are you most anticip...

I actually am really excited for World of Final Fantasy, but I have to go with Final Fantasy 7... seriously, I am in love.
Dazz General Gaming Discussion 27 33,530 06-17-2015, 03:27 AM
    Thread: Did You Know Movies?
Post: RE: Did You Know Movies?

No. That's called IMDB.
Dazz Site Discussion 8 11,355 06-02-2015, 06:54 PM
    Thread: Splatoon Racism
Post: Splatoon Racism

Prior to the game's release, Nintendo released a demo version of the title called "Splatoon: Global Testfire".  The title screen for this release featured text in the bottom right corner that was writ...
Dazz Trivia Evidence 0 5,932 05-30-2015, 08:23 AM
    Thread: Dragon Ball Xenoverse General Thread
Post: RE: Dragon Ball Xenoverse General Thread

I highly doubt that's a reference :\
Dazz Trivia Evidence 19 41,551 05-25-2015, 03:58 PM