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Thread: SERIOUSLY attempts - Ocarina of Time
Post: RE: SERIOUSLY attempts - Ocarina of Time
man he must be really friggen stuck on that water temple |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
87 |
161,270 |
07-04-2020, 03:54 AM |
Thread: Obscure title you are in love with.
Post: RE: Obscure title you are in love with.
Fistful of Frags is a tiny source mod that plays as a really fun cowboy FPS, highly recommend. |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
35 |
50,999 |
07-04-2020, 03:53 AM |
Thread: The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Post: RE: The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's ...
after trying Dark Souls 1 like twelve times and never enjoying it very much, I actually got into Dark Souls 3 and beat it with the stupid mimic hat, so that was fun. |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
824 |
901,406 |
07-04-2020, 03:51 AM |
Thread: What's your pokemon?
Post: RE: What's your pokemon?
gotta be alolan muk, cuz im also a giant pile of pretty garbage |
Arjahn |
37 |
53,114 |
07-04-2020, 03:50 AM |
Thread: The Chit-Chat Thread v3: Electric Potpourri
Post: RE: The Chit-Chat Thread v3: Electric Potpourri
Arjahn |
General Discussion
317 |
340,193 |
07-04-2020, 03:48 AM |
Thread: The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Post: RE: The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's ...
Monster Hunter world is so gosh darn good geeze wow dang I forgot the thrill of shoving a new MH title directly into my veins |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
824 |
901,406 |
01-02-2019, 03:08 PM |
Thread: The gaming related ventilation thread!
Post: RE: The gaming related ventilation thread!
Overwatch matchmaking is the worst thing on the fucking planet. I haven't played comp in over a year, I'm not that good at the game which I'm fine with since I try and play just to wind down and goof ... |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
444 |
608,948 |
10-02-2018, 11:09 PM |
Thread: The gaming related ANTI-ventilation thread.
Post: RE: The gaming related ANTI-ventilation thread.
Playing an Illusion mage in my ~15th Skyrim playthrough, and while it might not be the most traditionally effective, it is the most HILARIOUS way to play by far. Between randomly walking up on a Giant... |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
15 |
18,354 |
09-24-2018, 11:51 PM |
Thread: The Chit-Chat Thread v3: Electric Potpourri
Post: RE: The Chit-Chat Thread v3: Electric Potpourri
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around much lately. Entire small town was underwater towards the end of August when we got the most rainfall ever recorded and also it was my birthday and we were stuck ... |
Arjahn |
General Discussion
317 |
340,193 |
09-24-2018, 11:44 PM |
Thread: Favorite videogame commercial?
Post: RE: Favorite videogame commercial? |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
56 |
79,274 |
08-19-2018, 02:36 PM |
Thread: Fighting Games
Post: RE: Fighting Games
ey people who actually play fighting games, can you name any Fighting Game characters that use Guns and are generally considered sorta low tier? Writing a goofy article and could use a little help. |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
1,786 |
2,061,335 |
08-17-2018, 04:57 PM |
Thread: The gaming related ANTI-ventilation thread.
Post: RE: The gaming related ANTI-ventilation thread.
Been playing a lot of Terraria lately after grabbing it on a steam sale 5 years ago and hardly touching it, and holy god are the Boss Fights in that game awesome.
I don't actually know why, they're... |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
15 |
18,354 |
07-05-2018, 01:42 AM |
Thread: The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Post: RE: The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's ...
Coworker of my Dad's was just getting rid of his PS3 for some reason so now I'm the proud owner of one. Popped in Dragon Age Origins first thing and maaaaaaaaan that game has not aged gracefully and r... |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
824 |
901,406 |
06-30-2018, 11:33 PM |
Thread: The gaming related ventilation thread!
Post: RE: The gaming related ventilation thread!
Turns out the massive lag spikes I've been having lately have been due to the fact that model of ModemI have is just straight up defective. Good stuff good stuff.
I guess on the positive side Blizzar... |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
444 |
608,948 |
06-12-2018, 10:24 AM |
Thread: The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Post: RE: The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's ...
Thanks for the suggestions guys :)
I've been meaning to try out the O.G. fallout titles, probably start with those.
retrolinkx Wrote: (06-09-2018, 03:41 AM)
Visual Novels are similar, but I do... |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
824 |
901,406 |
06-09-2018, 09:59 AM |
Thread: The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's Mustache
Post: RE: The Free Gaming Thread v3: Check Out Cosmyk's ...
You guys know of any decent not-clicker games you can play with only your mouse? Sprained my left wrist saving my brain damaged dog so I'm trying to lay off the WASD. Been trying Hearthstone and, dunn... |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
824 |
901,406 |
06-08-2018, 09:32 PM |
Thread: The gaming related ventilation thread!
Post: RE: The gaming related ventilation thread!
Wii Sports Baseball should not have Splitters.
Fuck Splitters.
My dad just spams them then acts all old technologically-challenged guy "What's a splitter what's that mean?"
bitch you used to have Q... |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
444 |
608,948 |
06-05-2018, 06:46 PM |
Thread: The Chit-Chat Thread v3: Electric Potpourri
Post: RE: The Chit-Chat Thread v3: Electric Potpourri
About a year ago I talked about how my friend had a PC heat sink that he wasn't using so we put it into my tower and it fit perfectly and all that jazz. Thing is, my rig was still getting pretty hot a... |
Arjahn |
General Discussion
317 |
340,193 |
06-05-2018, 06:42 PM |
Thread: Games you hated as a kid but loved as an adult (and vise versa).
Post: RE: Games you hated as a kid but loved as an adult...
I'll say that, since I was a little arjahn playing Ocarina of time, I've vehemotly hated Stealth Segments in any videogame. Now, after sinking a lot of time into good stealth games ala Dishonored and ... |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
10 |
11,428 |
06-03-2018, 01:32 PM |
Thread: The gaming related ventilation thread!
Post: RE: The gaming related ventilation thread!
Been having issues with Overwatch on and off since the beta and customer support's always attributed them to AMD driver issues on their end, forcing me to roll back or experience performance issues wi... |
Arjahn |
General Gaming Discussion
444 |
608,948 |
06-03-2018, 01:31 PM |