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    Thread: What are you eating right now? (if you're eating that is)
Post: RE: What are you eating right now? (if you're eati...

A prosciutto and spinach roll, Delicious
AussieYak General Discussion 393 600,742 03-19-2013, 08:13 PM
    Thread: Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
Post: RE: Pokemon Diamond & Pearl

Dazz Wrote: (03-19-2013, 07:12 AM) -- If you add the game yourself, once it is accepted, the section will then be available. If you want to submit multiple things to a game that doesn't exist, that i...
AussieYak Site Discussion 2 6,198 03-19-2013, 04:24 PM
    Thread: Favorite Pokemon Starter
Post: RE: Favorite Pokemon Starter

I started my first ever pokemon journey with my pal Bulbasaur back in Pokemon Blue, It's a shame those cartridges have a save file life span of 10 years before they die..
AussieYak General Gaming Discussion 23 31,508 03-19-2013, 03:33 AM
    Thread: A special stream tomorrow or so
Post: RE: A special stream tomorrow or so

Hopefully it will be as amazing as when Normal Boots shut down.
AussieYak General Discussion 47 76,877 03-19-2013, 03:28 AM
    Thread: Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
Post: Pokemon Diamond & Pearl

Hey, I would like to submit some trivia for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl but that sub-section doesn't exist, Can you kindly make it exist please? Thanks.
AussieYak Site Discussion 2 6,198 03-19-2013, 03:25 AM
    Thread: Favorite Pokemon Region
Post: RE: Favorite Pokemon Region

Johto will always be the best in my book, The level design has been well thought out and how it combined with Kanto was genius.
AussieYak General Gaming Discussion 15 22,715 03-18-2013, 06:39 PM
    Thread: Minecraft 1.5 is up
Post: RE: Minecraft 1.5 is up

Because OP is lazy I shall post the change log: Quote: -- Added Redstone Comparator (used in Redstone logic) Added Hopper (collects items and moves them to containers) Added Dropper (similar to Disp...
AussieYak General Gaming Discussion 2 6,680 03-18-2013, 06:33 PM
    Thread: General Anime/Manga/Otaku Thread
Post: RE: General Anime/Manga/Otaku Thread

I only recently been watching anime, Like decent ones apart from Pokemon and Dragonball/Dragonball Z, I started off with Sword Art Online, first anime I have watched from start to end, really enjoye...
AussieYak General Discussion 1,615 2,249,827 03-18-2013, 12:24 AM
    Thread: Avatar Ratings
Post: RE: Avatar Ratings

AussieYak Playground 406 516,195 03-18-2013, 12:17 AM
    Thread: Avatar Ratings
Post: RE: Avatar Ratings

10/10 IT'S MOTHER FUDGING YOSHI look at that mofo jumping up and down all happily would bang EDIT: God damnit Arjahn, bet me to it! 10/10 Nice Cock.
AussieYak Playground 406 516,195 03-17-2013, 07:39 PM
    Thread: Browser thread? Browser thread.
Post: RE: Browser thread? Browser thread.

I literally read this thread as 'Bowser Thread' Was gonna post pics of Bowser, Was gonna have real good times. Chrome all the way.
AussieYak General Discussion 37 60,205 03-17-2013, 06:52 PM
    Thread: Portal 1, 2 & upcoming 3
Post: RE: Portal 1, 2 & upcoming 3

Gabe Newell Wrote: (03-17-2013, 02:19 PM) -- This guy is probably (hopefully) trolling. It seems the "Don't post your trivia submissions here!" isn't sticking too well. My advice, be draconic, ban...
AussieYak Trivia Discussion 13 23,078 03-17-2013, 03:21 PM
    Thread: Introductions!
Post: RE: Introductions!

Hi I'm Rocco, I'm 19, I like long walks on the beach, currently studying Diploma of Graphic Design, love playing games when ever I can get a chance, started playing games when I was 4, SNES FTW. I kn...
AussieYak General Discussion 630 941,008 03-17-2013, 03:14 PM
    Thread: Sonic 0'6 GO
Post: RE: Sonic 0'6 GO

Sonic 06' Really focused on the storyline, CG Cutscenes and some Voice Acting rather than flesh out the whole game, Judging from what i've seen (Yes Game Grumps), It is a broken and unfinished game, H...
AussieYak General Gaming Discussion 21 44,555 03-17-2013, 09:12 AM
    Thread: Where do you see this site in 5 years?
Post: RE: Where do you see this site in 5 years?

Let's see if I am alive to re-read this post in 5 years.
AussieYak General Discussion 32 50,245 03-17-2013, 09:08 AM
    Thread: Portal 1, 2 & upcoming 3
Post: RE: Portal 1, 2 & upcoming 3

In Portal 2, in the area where you an see the 'Bring Your Daughter To Work Today' display, you can see a display made by none other than Chell, the protagonist. This hints that C...
AussieYak Trivia Discussion 13 23,078 03-17-2013, 09:06 AM
    Thread: Welcome to VGFacts!
Post: RE: Welcome to VGFacts!

I almost squealed with excitement when I saw Dazz was one of the guys in charge around here, I love DYKG and cannot wait to see what content VGFacts has in store for us! Good Luck Guys!
AussieYak News 30 49,891 03-17-2013, 09:02 AM