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Gamestop may pay devs for exclusive pre-order bonuses

Read that article and see what you think. I personally don't see it as something bad. Some examples I gave on a video talking about are as such. 1. If there is a game with stealth and run and gun styles of gameplay and gamestop has stealth mission dlc while say amazon has dlc that focuses on the run and gun, you can choose which one you would prefer to have. In retrospect to a lot of complaints I've seen about how there shouldn't be exclusives for games, movies have been doing it for a while now. Some offer exclusive behind the scenes discs, or steelbooks or whatever have you and no one seems to care because they can find what they want at whatever store has it. I wanna know what everyone else thinks.
(07-10-2014, 04:38 PM)RepentantSky Wrote:

Read that article and see what you think. I personally don't see it as something bad. Some examples I gave on a video talking about are as such. 1. If there is a game with stealth and run and gun styles of gameplay and gamestop has stealth mission dlc while say amazon has dlc that focuses on the run and gun, you can choose which one you would prefer to have. In retrospect to a lot of complaints I've seen about how there shouldn't be exclusives for games, movies have been doing it for a while now. Some offer exclusive behind the scenes discs, or steelbooks or whatever have you and no one seems to care because they can find what they want at whatever store has it. I wanna know what everyone else thinks.

I feel like this is just another way to get more money. What you said about us having a choice to pick which mission we prefer was something we already had. We probably get those two missions already but if they can find a way to give us less content for more money you bet your ass they are going to find a way. All of these things were once given to us in the game. For example in a fighting game we got 50 playable characters each having 3 costumes all in one game but now 20 of those characters would be playable and we would have to pay $2.99 for each other character and instead of 3 costumes we get 1 and the others would have to be payed for. The worst part is that many people embrace this and don't care. We still pre order even though they give us a game that's not even 50% done. With movies it's different because with me I just wanna watch the movie and I really don't care for deleted scenes or behind the scenes, they are just a bonus but with games those companies are taking away things I already had before and now they are selling it to me. I guess that's how this whole situation.
I disagree. The idea that you can basically buy the dlc you want with an already complete game (because let's be honest, most dlc isn't worth it) without having to pay more for it, is a good idea. You can choose which bonus content you want, and if you don't want any of it at all, there will always be regular versions of a game. Having more options isn't a bad thing so long as the main game doesn't suffer for it. I don't see how adding content can do that.
(07-10-2014, 05:58 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: I disagree. The idea that you can basically buy the dlc you want with an already complete game (because let's be honest, most dlc isn't worth it) without having to pay more for it, is a good idea. You can choose which bonus content you want, and if you don't want any of it at all, there will always be regular versions of a game. Having more options isn't a bad thing so long as the main game doesn't suffer for it. I don't see how adding content can do that.

But do we know if they are adding more content or if they are giving content that was already on the disc? Street Fighter X Tekken had on disc DLC which we could assume that DLC has already been on the base game, but they took out features that were already there and charged us for it. Companies will take advantage of this situation and give us "additional" missions and we assume it's all brand new. They are sneaky like that and may be charging us for things that were already on the base game. It can be a case where they are giving less content for us to purchase "additional".
You can't take capcom's one stupid call, even more so after the backlash and assume everyone is going to copy that. That's just nonsensical.
(07-10-2014, 06:54 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: You can't take capcom's one stupid call, even more so after the backlash and assume everyone is going to copy that. That's just nonsensical.

I was giving an example I bet Capcom is not the only one to do that. Companies can say one thing and can do something totally different. Before Watch_Dogs came out they had already had heaps of DLC [Image: LzRuFmw.jpg]

I bet that those DLC were in the base game but Ubisoft knew they could make money off this. It's ridiculous that this game wasn't out yet and they were shoving DLC down our throats. That is not acceptable.
It'll all be included in a bundle a few months later anyway.

Highly Agree with this video. Watch out the guy uses strong language while ranting about this, Just a heads up.

@Trueboss, sorry for not quoting but the quote system on my phone is odd. As for a proper response, you are literally speculating based on speculation, how am I supposed to take that opinion seriously with that thought in my head. Every reply you make without something solid to back it seems more and more foolish.
(07-10-2014, 10:07 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: @Trueboss, sorry

@Trueboss, sorry for not quoting but the quote system on my phone is odd. As for a proper response, you are literally speculating based on speculation, how am I supposed to take that opinion seriously with that thought in my head. Every reply you make without something solid to back it seems more and more foolish.

You want solid evidence of companies taking out things we normally get from the base game let's look at Watch_Dogs that recently just came out. At E3 we were shown and promised amazing visuals with the game but when the game actually did come out the graphics were nothing close to the ones shown at E3. What happened to those visuals?? Well turns out a guy found out that they hid the original graphics on the base game.

If you want to pay more for features we once had then by all means go ahead and if you wanna believe every single thing these gaming companies tell you then go ahead. There is no point in continuing this if you are going to ignore the problems with this idea.
That was just people bitching about graphics. I already had my fair share of talking about that. If you want to see it, look up the watch dogs thread, I don't plan on repeating it again. However, a graphics complaint is hardly enough to justify the problem you have with this idea.
Has Gamestop ever had decent exclusive content?

Off the top of my head is just the occasional map or skin that ends up being buyable a few months later. Other stuff seems like weapons/abilities that seem kind of game-breaking to have from the get-go.

Whatever happened to just including a figurine or something similar for a limited time?
I really hope nobody forgot what happened with Battlefield 4. This is a wide issue within the gaming industry, Company's are always willing to milk our money. They'll take out 30% of a game just to make it DLC when it intended to be DLC and believe their are wide examples of DLC on disc. Now they want exclusive DLC? What a bunch of crap. 20% of the game goes to gamestop which later in the year is going to be $20. In reply to capcom having "DLC On Disc", They actually made a WIKI on games that had a list of games with DLC that was on the base game but people were later charged for. Overall this is a bunch of crap I really hope they dont go with this idea I dont want to miss 20% of content on the game just because I never went to EB Games (Gamestop of Canada).
(07-11-2014, 12:30 AM)PixelXenoKing Wrote: I really hope nobody forgot what happened with Battlefield 4. This is a wide issue within the gaming industry, Company's are always willing to milk our money. They'll take out 30% of a game just to make it DLC when it intended to be DLC and believe their are wide examples of DLC on disc. Now they want exclusive DLC? What a bunch of crap. 20% of the game goes to gamestop which later in the year is going to be $20. In reply to capcom having "DLC On Disc", They actually made a WIKI on games that had a list of games with DLC that was on the base game but people were later charged for. Overall this is a bunch of crap I really hope they dont go with this idea I dont want to miss 20% of content on the game just because I never went to EB Games (Gamestop of Canada).

That was just EA being EA in the worst of ways. Most of the games they release with online content have problems, but this one was even worse because they rushed the release to compete with CoD. That's happened since before knew how to complain about it.
(07-10-2014, 05:58 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: I disagree. The idea that you can basically buy the dlc you want with an already complete game (because let's be honest, most dlc isn't worth it) without having to pay more for it, is a good idea. You can choose which bonus content you want, and if you don't want any of it at all, there will always be regular versions of a game. Having more options isn't a bad thing so long as the main game doesn't suffer for it. I don't see how adding content can do that.

But that's not really the point. It's a false positive that's used within marketing to make it seem like a good deal to the consumer. It's actually the complete opposite of being options. It's being told "how much less do you want to be screwed"?

Buy the game from Amazon and receive the Luigi skin for Mario. Buy the game from Gamestop and receiving the Metal Mario skin. Buy the game from the Publishers store to receive Real Looking Mario skin.

In order to actually experience the game to it's fullest; whether you plan on playing in/with that content or not, you'd have to buy the game 3 times over. The worst part is that all of the content is on the disc readily available to use(I know people with modded consoles that let's you unlock content for free).

I also have to ask, what do you gain by sticking up for companies who are purposefully sanctioning off content and cutting you out from the rest, even when you know it's readily available to play on the disc?
Do you also not find it strange how Sony/Microsoft are two that agreed to have season passes to lessen the worth of games as they said "used games(retailers) were hurting the industry" yet willing to constantly make pre-order deals with them?

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