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Who's the worst antagonist?
We have one for good guys. So why not one for the bad guys? no polls on this one. There are times where we like the bad guys, where there are times we don't even like the bad guy we are facing and have no pity for killing him/her. Who makes it on your list? I never liked Super Macho Man from the remake of Punch-out, he's so full of himself(then again, wasn't that the whole point of his character?).
Spoilers for both Jak II and Jak 3, but mostly Jak 3.

Wouldn't it be best antagonists if we're talking about our lack of remorse and sheer hatred of them?

I'd say the worst would be the dude from Fable 2 because you're just one shot away from killing him.
I wasn't in the mood for talking about good guys, so I wanted to talk about the negatives of various bad guy characters from video games. There is more than one bad guy in this world. So thats why i made it 'antagonist' instead of antagonists as the name thread.
It's hard to say worst because so many are forgettable or bland. Eggman/Robotnik
comes to mind. Has an IQ of over 300 and can't defeat a hedgehog when Homebase lorries can.
Builds giant machines and mechs with weak
spots that can be taken out by jumping on them
Dunno. Just eh.
(Also, the pointlessness of the "antagonists" of Sonic Lost World).
I would say FF7's villains are pretty lackluster. One had the potential to be interesting but you only see him a few times, one is just your typical scientist who is obsessed with his experiments and the main one is just a guy who wants revenge for the way him and his mother were treated. Nothing about any of them stands out in any way.
(08-07-2014, 01:21 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: I would say FF7's villains are pretty lackluster. One had the potential to be interesting but you only see him a few times, one is just your typical scientist who is obsessed with his experiments and the main one is just a guy who wants revenge for the way him and his mother were treated. Nothing about any of them stands out in any way.

Sephiroth reminds me of an Earthbound fan. "Mother! I want my Mother!" Fans love to oggle the long haired pretty Mother's boy. I don't see why. Final Fantasy 1 and 10's final bosses were my favrate and were leaps and bounds ahead of "Mother!".
The whole Team Flare thing is Pokemon X and Y.
At the end of the day, how is the main guy defeated? But the firing of his own super weapon that HE shoots off INTO his own base HQ WITH HIM IN IT!!! I get that the fights lowered the power level of the whole thing (somehow?!?), but still, why did we fight him in the first place if he kills himself due to own ineptitude? And then there is the whole thing about the evils of the mega ring... Even though he owns one and all...
(08-07-2014, 04:35 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: The whole Team Flare thing is Pokemon X and Y.
At the end of the day, how is the main guy defeated? But the firing of his own super weapon that HE shoots off INTO his own base HQ WITH HIM IN IT!!! I get that the fights lowered the power level of the whole thing (somehow?!?), but still, why did we fight him in the first place if he kills himself due to own ineptitude? And then there is the whole thing about the evils of the mega ring... Even though he owns one and all...

See, I find that to be a good trait in a villain. "The Special Privilege" bad guy. That's why I liked Black and White a lot. The bad guys were preaching justice but were obviously not planning on it.
Ok, even so, that doesn't cover his own ineptitude. Don't blow up your own base with you in it. Just not a smart move there. That's kind of like the Nazis in the first Indiana Jones: the hero's actions had no real affect on the final outcome because the villains brought about their own demise.
No, I agree with you. I just thought I'd chime in.
Not me, that's for sure.

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