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The gaming related ventilation thread!
(06-24-2013, 09:05 PM)Lazlo Falconi Wrote:
(06-22-2013, 05:14 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: Mario Galaxy is really Mario 64 with gravity controls. Mario Sunshine is the same but with FLODD.

So... You're upset that they're all platformers? What do you want Nintendo to do? Start making Mario board games, or soccer games, or RPGs, or maybe a Mario racing game? Naah, that would be too unoriginal.

He has a point though. You could essentially say Mario has been milked more than any other franchise while the core Mario experience stays the same. If you replace Mario with CoD and they started making a board game, sports game, RPG etc, I guarantee the response would be "Oh they're milking the series and creating games with CoD themes rather than their own new IP". But oddly Mario(or Nintendo) are allowed to get away with milking their characters/franchises.

It's the problem I find with the Zelda games (especially after Skyward Sword) and why I want Nintendo to do more with the series. After hearing what they've said about the new Zelda, it looks like they're getting the series sorted out and away from old styles of gameplay for the better.

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RE: The gaming related ventilation thread! - by BumblebeeCody - 06-24-2013, 09:18 PM

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