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Champions of the People - Card Game Thesis
It does not cover attacks, but prosperity does cover spells.

In regards to population, the champion has a predetermined cost which could differ from the cost to summon it but for simplicity's sake, it will be bunched together for now.

I've been using Yu-Gi-Oh! as a basis for design actually, changing things that I saw causing problems later on in the game and putting more importance on each card.

If you have more questions or if I had not answered one (my mistake, currently doing a few things at a time right now), let me know. I'll be listing out a demo deck when I can be sure I'll have some time.

The field for Champions of the People consists of five spots to put champions, five spots to put strengths/counters (together).
There is a spot to put a deck, and a spot to put used cards.
More spots may be implemented, like the extra deck and field spell zone in Yu-Gi-Oh!
I'm using a Yu-Gi-Oh! playmat as reference so here is one
[Image: Yu_Gi_Oh_Playmat_Template_by_l33tmeatwad.jpg]

Currently Typing up mock-deck using elves as focus.
Will take longer than expected, somehow accidently deleted all of text on page.

Example of a champion card:

Elf Fletcher - Cost 1 ATK (attack) 2 DEF (defense) 2 Vita (health) 5
When summoned, you can add on "Elf Archer" from your deck to your hand. If "Elf Archer" would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.

Now, to the actual deck list.

You want 3
Elf Fletcher - Cost 1 ATK (attack) 2 DEF (defense) 2 Vita (health) 5
When summoned, you can add on "Elf Archer" from your deck to your hand. If "Elf Archer" would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.

Elf Archer - Cost 2 ATK 4 DEF 1 Vita 4

Elf Charmer - Cost 2 ATK 1 DEF 2 Vita 6
While this card is on the field, all "Elf" champions gain 1 more defense than they normally would have.

Elf Falconer - Cost 5 ATK 2 DEF 0 Vita 10
This card can attack once for each "elf" on the field.

Elf Herbalist - Cost 2 ATK 1 DEF 2 Vita 5
While this card is on the field, increase your fortune by 1. This is canceled when "Elf Herbalist" leaves the field.

2 (note, Elven not Elf. This is to prevent obvious loops and OP'ness)
Elven Spirit - Cost 2 ATK 1 DEF 1 Vita 1
This card cannot be attacked if another "elf" champion is out on the field. This card can attack directly, ignoring other monsters.

Elf Tribe - Cost 5 ATK 0 DEF 10 Vita 4
This card's ATK is half the total ATK of all "elf" cards on the field when it is summoned.

Elven Shadow - Cost 2 ATK 3 DEF 1 Vita 1
When this champion is attacked, if you control an "Elf" champion, you can redirect the attack to one of your "elf" champions.


Elven Secrets - At cost of 2 prosperity, add 1 "elf" or "elven" champion to your hand.

Eyes of the Elven Spirit - At cost of 3 prosperity to the owner of this card, both players reveal 1 card in their hand at random for each "elf" card on the field. Both player can then pay 2 prosperity to discard 1 of the revealed cards to the crypt (grave in Yu-Gi-Oh)

Remedy for Magic Malaria - At cost of 5 prosperity, increase your fortune by 2.

Large Investment - Pay 2 Prosperity. On your next turn, flip a coin. If it is heads, increase prosperity limit by 2. If it is tails, decrease prosperity limit by 1.

Northern Raiders - Decrease population by 1 and prosperity by 1. Decrease enemy prosperity by 1.

Ward of Defense - Increase all of your monster's DEF by 2 at cost of 3 prosperity.

2 (couldn't think of any non-cheesy population increasing names)
Art of Love: Pay 4 prosperity points. Increase population limit by 2.

Holy Grove - This card stays on the field. Every 4 turns, increase fortune by 1. After the eighth turn since this card was activated, destroy this card.

Heart of the people - Pay 2 prosperity. This card stays on the field. Return 1 champion to your hand. Increase all other champion's attack by half the returned champion's attack until the end of your turn. Pay 2 prosperity and return 1 champion to your hand at draw for the same effect or destroy this card.


Barrage - When an opponent's monster declares an attack, destroy the monster at the cost of 1 prosperity.

Magic Malaria - Pay 3 prosperity. Decrease both player's fortune by 2.

If I counted correctly, this should be forty cards. The number I put above the card name should be how many of that card there should be.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Champions of the People - Card Game Thesis - by Psychospacecow - 08-17-2013, 07:47 PM

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