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Proper Establishment of the Forum in trouble
I have a burning desire to vent my spleen on Psychospacecow. The key point of the following exposition is that if anything will free us from the shackles of Psychospacecow's brainless bunco games, it's knowledge of the world as it really is. It's knowledge that as soon as he found the resources to do so Psychospacecow lost no time in encouraging every sort of indiscipline and degeneracy in the name of freedom. The inevitable followed: The most tactless plotters I've ever seen started pulling the levers of totalitarianism and oiling the gears of irreligionism. The scariest part of all of this is that I recently checked out one of Psychospacecow's recent tracts. Oh, look; he's again saying that his castigators are aligned with very dark and malevolent fourth-dimensional aliens known as Draconians. Raise your hand if you're surprised. Seriously, though, I am now in a position to define what I mean when I say that no one who is seriously interested in art, culture, or politics expects to learn anything from Psychospacecow. What I mean is that he wants nothing less than to spatter my reputation, hence his repeated, almost hypnotic, insistence on the importance of his feral hariolations.

Some people apparently believe that if we don't bother Psychospacecow, Psychospacecow won't bother us. The fallacy of that belief is that our desires and his are not merely different; they are opposed in mortal enmity. Psychospacecow wants to cure the evil of discrimination with more discrimination. We, in contrast, want to alert people that if he manages to lure the furciferous into his gestapo, our nation will not endure as a civilization, as a geopolitical entity, or even as a society. Rather, it will exist only as a prison, a prison in which homophobic, virulent gomerals delude and often rob those rendered vulnerable and susceptible to Psychospacecow's snares because of poverty, illness, or ignorance. He operates on an international scale to support hostile governments known for human-rights abuses, wrongful imprisonment, and slavery. It's only fitting, therefore, that we, too, work on an international scale but to rally good-hearted people to the side of our cause.

Psychospacecow has tried doctoring evidence and classification systems and making gutless generalizations to support short-sighted, preconceived views. He has also tried welshing on all classes of agreements. Why does Psychospacecow do such things? First, I'll give you a very brief answer, and then I'll go back and explain my answer in detail. As for the brief answer, I feel that Psychospacecow has insulted everyone with even the slightest moral commitment. He obviously has none or he wouldn't set up dissident groups and individuals for conspiracy charges and then carry out searches and seizures on flimsy pretexts. Admittedly, the most disaffected loudmouths you'll ever see conform their opinions about what is right and what is wrong to their perception of Psychospacecow's opinions and behavior. But that's because we can disagree with Psychospacecow without being disagreeable. For instance, I would like to politely disagree with some of his diatribes by pointing out that if one believes statements like, "It's deplorable to take steps toward creating an inclusive society free of attitudinal barriers," one is, in effect, supporting imprudent marauders. I'd like to end this letter with a message for Psychospacecow. I'd like to say with emphasis and distinctness—not as a threat, but as a warning—that I will do whatever it takes to say "no" to his stingy précis, and I won't let him stop me from achieving that goal.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Proper Establishment of the Forum in trouble - by MexicanAnime - 09-24-2013, 07:51 PM

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