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Did Nintendo really revive the game industry?
Well, let's go through he many sins Sony has committed to gaming.

Effectively killed Sega. First they take the specs for the original Sega Saturn to make the Playstation, then they kill off the Dreamcast.

Brought the original casuals into the market, sure you can say it "matured" but that would've happened anyway, as even N64 and the Saturn had mature games on their systems. You could also argue the Mega Drive tried this, but when you look at their commercials and their target audience it was mainly teens more than adults, and even then it was with shovel ware and sports.

They proved with the PS2 that an effective gimmick sells, which has badly affected the industry. Instead of trying to make games, they want to make the Kinect and Move and shit. Stuff that is just retarded and no one wants. The Wii strengthened this idea of an effective gimmicks, and now we're getting shit we don't want packaged with the Wii U, PS4 and Xbox One, instead of what really matters. Games.


>Stole the specs for the original Saturn to make the Playstation
>Effectively killed Sega (They probably would've killed themselves anyhow, but the entire reason the Dreamcast, and Sega dying was because of the release of the PS2)
>Had the first successful gimmick with the PS2 being able to play DVD's, which was so effective that it made it the best selling console of all time. (People did buy the PS2 for it's ability to play DVD's)
>Successfully brought over the dudebros/casuals with the playstation (Sega tried with the Mega Drive, but it was not as effective as the PS1 did)


Oh, and I'm by no means saying other companies didn't do this, or are perfect. I'm just saying Sony did a lot of negative things to the industry, and it has effected the industry a lot.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Did Nintendo really revive the game industry? - by retrolinkx - 12-24-2013, 09:11 AM

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