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Words or phrases you don't use correctly, or have made up?
I've noticed that I say "uphill" and "downhill" backwards. Apparently, when you say something's gone "downhill" it means bad.

I say "It's all downhill from here" when something is getting easier or better. It's easier to walk downhill, than it is to say uphill. But when I say downhill to customers about the rest of my night, they're like "Don't look at life like that. =<" and I'm like "Downhill is a good thing. If my night goes downhill from here, then I'm gonna have a wonderful night."

I also say weird phrases that my girlfriend calls Tannerisms, where I say something like "Meh. I don't care enough to care." or "That movie was so bad it was bad."

While we're on the subject of weird Newtisms, I hold cigarettes wrong. Every time I smoke someone is like "You hold cigarettes funny" and I'm like "I know. I'm not gonna change a damned thing, my friend."

Screw it, this thread is about weird stuff you guys do that no one else does. And your pride in not ever changing it.

Messages In This Thread
Words or phrases you don't use correctly, or have made up? - by Newt - 05-12-2014, 01:33 AM

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