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Words or phrases you don't use correctly, or have made up?
Can't hold a pencil correctly. When I was 8 I burned the skin off of the ends of two fingers and my thumb on my right hand. (I wasn't a bright kid. I crawled under a running car, grabbed the muffler and proceeded to get my hand stuck. What should have been first/second degree burns worsened due to the time my hand was there.) Due to the scarring, I can barely feel anything with those fingers/thumb. After all the bandaging came off, I started holding my pencils a funky way. I was dropping them all the time the normal way since I couldn't actually feel it in my hand. It drives some people nuts.

I'm usually a stickler for correct pronunciation during speech, but I still do have trouble with deaf and death. Not understanding the difference (clearly), but making those two words sound any different. No one actually dies when you talk to me, they all just lost their hearing.
I do say "daggon" frequently. It's my go to phrase when I'm angry. I have been known to call a bag a "poke". That is simply an accent however; one that city folk don't understand all the time.
I've also been known to repeat people's sentences that had cursing and translate it somewhat more literally (Why don't you go sexual intercourse yourself in the donkey, female dog!?!) It confuses people.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Words or phrases you don't use correctly, or have made up? - by CosmykTheDolfyn - 05-12-2014, 02:36 PM

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