05-15-2014, 05:27 AM
(05-14-2014, 05:46 PM)GameWizard001 Wrote: ^^ Yeah but the Playstation and Wii have been able use those services for free for a long time now. PS+ isn't required for it on the PS4 either.
I do hate the fact that the games I got for free off PS+ won't work if I don't keep my subscription but I got a year subscription for $50 which isn't that bad of a deal if you don't have to keep up a monthly thing if you can pay a year in advance.
Pros and cons to everything.
(05-14-2014, 07:12 PM)Zaliphone Wrote: I think the WiiU is fine as a device that plays Nintendo games, but as an actual console that will play third-party games, then it's just nothing.
So far the PS4 really only has inFamous and Resogun going for it, no other exclusive has really hit it for me. Keep in mind that it has only been 6 months, there will probably be a lot more coming out in the Fall, hopefully with stuff being announced at E3.
The only good Wii U games to come out last year was Wonderful 101 and Super Mario 3D World. The sad thing is Wonderful 101 only sold 30 000 copies (6000 in Japan alone).