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Words or phrases you don't use correctly, or have made up?
(05-12-2014, 05:44 AM)Psychospacecow Wrote: I made up a word.

Whenever I'm screwing around I might accuse someone of being "an individual of malintent" and people just roll with it.

Wait, I'm a bit confused. Are you saying you make up words, or you've made up the word Malintent?

Cause that's a terrorist detection system or something.

Also, you reminded me of the main character from Steins;Gate who always says there is an "organisation" watching him and accusing people of being from the "organisation"

(05-12-2014, 02:36 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: Can't hold a pencil correctly. When I was 8 I burned the skin off of the ends of two fingers and my thumb on my right hand. (I wasn't a bright kid. I crawled under a running car, grabbed the muffler and proceeded to get my hand stuck. What should have been first/second degree burns worsened due to the time my hand was there.) Due to the scarring, I can barely feel anything with those fingers/thumb. After all the bandaging came off, I started holding my pencils a funky way. I was dropping them all the time the normal way since I couldn't actually feel it in my hand. It drives some people nuts.

I hold my pencil and pen using three fingers and thumb, instead of the normal way of two fingers and a thumb. I just can't write with it like that, no matter how much I try.

Also, I will forever pronounce Maya as "May-ah" and Mia and "Muh-eye" or Mai like in Mai Valentine in Yu-Gi-Oh (Probably the reason I called her Mai in Phoenix Wright). I was a retarded kid and didn't know how to pronounce names I never saw before and now I see no need to change them when people know who I'm talking about.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Words or phrases you don't use correctly, or have made up? - by retrolinkx - 05-15-2014, 09:27 AM

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