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So what exactly do you guys do on the internet?
I read manga. Watch anime.
Check video games websites, be angry at them for spoiling me in a title (yeah I am like that) .
Go on Reddit, I like to go on /r/nosleep before sleeping because there are nice little stories to read, or /r/tifu sometimes but I laugh a lot and don't want to wake up girlfriend.
I like to read some Cracked articles sometimes.
I like to see that: (it's in French but... The important part is what you see) .
I check this forum and DYKG.
I use the Internet for my studies too. I go to Facebook too to see what my classmates say in a group (in case they share sometimes useful for my studies etc.) ...
I go to websites like Play-Asia but I have no money so errr I am sad. TOMOPOP too, I am always sad when I go there.

But most of the time I am just "Errr what to dooo..." !

Messages In This Thread
RE: So what exactly do you guys do on the internet? - by Pewable - 10-24-2014, 07:06 AM

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