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Using lockers/closets/etc as hiding places
To be honest I agree with you there. A game I absolutely love also uses this "mechanic" of hiding within a locker.
Deadly Premonition
[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
To show a more recent game, The Evil Within also does this
[Image: the-evil-within-hide-or-die.jpg]

Without trying to sound bias I have more love for Deadly Premonition because of the team behind it. It doesn't feel lazy can only hide during certain segments (Being chased by The Raincoat Killer). The Evil Within on the other stinks of Bethesda pandering and tampering with what should've been a better game. As a result we do have lockers scattered about everywhere which took me out of the games grasp and atmosphere. It got to a point where I didn't even need the lockers or hiding areas.

I wouldn't say I'm sick of it but I'm not going to deny that it's clearly riding the same ideas as other horror games. It's lazy at best and plays off the idea of "almost being caught" and keeping tension high. It feels half-arsed....but in the case of Deadly Premonition, that game is awesome. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Using lockers/closets/etc as hiding places - by BumblebeeCody - 10-27-2014, 03:47 PM

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