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Using lockers/closets/etc as hiding places
(10-27-2014, 06:06 PM)CLXcool Wrote: The only game I can think of where you can hide in a locker is Metal Gear. But since its a stealth based game, it works for that reason.

Everyone else has mentioned games where you hide via lockers, so that seems like kind of a pointless thing to say. Just take a minute to look at any of the games mentioned and at some point, you will see it happening.

@Psycho: That's the same kind of thing as what happens in the games I mentioned. In Alien Isolation, you cna use lockers to hide from Aliens and people, same as with outlast and Amnesia. I suppose in non-horror games, it's not as big a deal, mostly because you aren't supposed to be scared, but it still gives you time to sit there as long as you need to think and clam down, which actually ends up making the game easier. In horror games, I think this has the potential to be a big problem because a good horror doesn't scare you once, allow you to hide until you clam down, and the repeat the process. Lockers allow that to be a thing that you can constantly do though, and for as long as you like. It's allowing you to break the game's atmosphere and horror in a way I don't think was ever intended. I imagine Bully is the same, preying on the idea of people who are out of school panicking at the thought of getting caught doing something they weren't supposed to. I doubt most people do what the characters in Bully do, but from what I've seen on the game, it does seem like it's trying to make itself harder by making it's players nervous. The lockers give you too much of a break, making that part of the game not work how it was most likely intended.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Using lockers/closets/etc as hiding places - by RepentantSky - 10-27-2014, 07:59 PM

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