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So what exactly do you guys do on the internet?
Let me sit you down child and describe to you, The ProcessĀ®

1. Open Chrome
2. Open Reddit, Facebook, Gmail, and Youtube in that order.
3. Check Youtube for HILARIOUS Let's Minceraft episodes from Tobypie/Watch any videos that look interesting.
4. Check Reddit for any HILARIOUS torture porn/interesting links.
5. Briefly check Gmail and Facebook to see if anything interesting happened in my life.
6. Cry deeply about the fact that nothing interesting happened in my life.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 for two hours.
8. Repeat step 6 for 2-6 years.

Messages In This Thread
RE: So what exactly do you guys do on the internet? - by Arjahn - 10-30-2014, 11:18 PM

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