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GTA V banned from Target Australia
(12-03-2014, 10:44 PM)CLXcool Wrote:

This just in. Targets in Australia have given in to the complaints of feminists of having Grand Theft Auto V being marketed in the stores. All I can say is this. If women don't like grand theft auto for its violence, then they should just ignore it rather than raise hell about it. Things like this aren't marketed for you. Banning it for 'female violence' is rather stupid. Beating on women is not the full part of the game, its optional, but not fully part of it. 

And don't point your fingers on 'protecting the kids' either. That excuse will not fly with me. Those kids are going to get exposed to bad things in this world. You can't keep them protected forever under your light of sunshine. Its complaints like this that make me disgusted. 
Well there's no need to be "protecting your kids" anyway because you wouldn't be buying an 18 rated game for them in the first place.

Drugs dealing, drug busts, an intense torture scene that had even me uneasy,  shooting police, fucking prostitutes, bank heists, hostage taking, watching your daughter demean herself on TV, take drugs, run over people ,watch Trevor cave in the head of a character only to literally(yes literally) yell at a part of his brain on the bottom of his shoe while the friend of the person he just killed watches but you sock a woman in the face...ooh that's the real problem. 

Australia has always been shit with it's laws like this. They treat their adults like babies.

Let's also not forget this game came over a year ago and only now are they acting upon it.

Messages In This Thread
GTA V banned from Target Australia - by CLXcool - 12-03-2014, 10:44 PM
RE: GTA V banned from Target Australia - by BumblebeeCody - 12-04-2014, 04:42 PM
RE: GTA V banned from Target Australia - by Berry - 12-04-2014, 05:49 PM
RE: GTA V banned from Target Australia - by Berry - 12-07-2014, 01:19 PM

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