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Looking for a mac 2 player online game.
Oh lawdy, I know that feeling, I was stuck on a mac for years and the lack of game ports killed me inside.

First off, there are a few decent FPSs I feel obligated to list if you change your mind. Team Fortress 2 is fantastic for co-op, same with some of the Calladooties and Borderlands games if those are your cup of tea.

Risk of Rain is a phenomenal game that I've spent 60+ hours on with co op alone.

Guns of Icarus is a game I whore out at every possible opportunity which revolves almost entirely around cooperating with your crew. In it, four players control a flying ship in a steam-punk arena-type game. It is incredible fun with a really enjoyable community that can make your game. One time me and my friends were taking a beating, when out of nowhere a crazy Scottish guy took over the ship and he was the best god damn captain I've ever sailed with. It goes on sale for ~$5.00 constantly, I cannot recommend it enough.

Hearthstone is a ton of fun to mess around with a friend in.

Day of Defeat is another fun FPS that revolves a lot co operating with a small squad of teamates in a WWII-arena. Or you can just shoot your buddy with a grenade launcher "by accident" and have a blast goofing off and teamkilling your friends.

If you're looking for an MMO, Guild Wars 2 is pretty fun with some neat features and isn't bleed-out-the-bum expensive.

Starbound is Terraria in space with a far cooler aesthetic. I love it.

Portal 2 is phenomenal and one of the greatest Co-Op games I've played in a long time.

Castle Crashers is one of the finest Beat-em-up games ever crafted.+


I'll post more if I think of them.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking for a mac 2 player online game. - by Arjahn - 01-16-2015, 07:08 PM

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