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Have Video Games ever helped you in real life/taught you anything?
I got a few. So i'll list them.

Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana- Showed my interest for the fantasy elements that could be explored with in video games. As well as having clever ideas that may have seemed impossible at the time. I ended up finding a lot of interesting things in the fantasy genre thanks to these two games.

Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario(and thousand year door)- These three mario games are different from other RPG games that i've played. Not only did they take something iconic like mario, they introduced him into a new form of gameplay that they didn't think it would work. In the end it did.It taught me if you play your cards right with original things, you can get places(sadly that can't be said for the later Paper Mario games with the exception of Paper Jam). Plus I learned how to be patient with timing and learn how to read better with Super Mario RPG. 

Um Jammer Lammy and Parappa the rapper showed me that music is one of the main things to focus on when it comes to making a video game.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Have Video Games ever helped you in real life/taught you anything? - by CLXcool - 07-29-2016, 12:13 AM

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