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Optional things that Weren't Worth it
So I finished watching a Twitch Stream of Super Mario RPG that was done by a handful of fairly well known LP personalities. One of the things they set out to do was find every single hidden chest, the fellow who was playing certain that you got a special item for doing so. They even back tracked to find the ones they missed which took up a fair amount of time.

In one of the towns is a chest they could speak to which told them how many were left. After finding them all, all he does is inform them that there aren't any left. That's it. Zero reward.

This made me want to think/talk about other side missions in games that really weren't worth the effort you put into them.

I know there's got to be more, but off the top of my head I can recall getting 150 Pokémon in Red legitimately by trading with my friends. One even evolved his Eevee into a Flareon because it was the only one I needed because he wanted to see what would happen as well.

Being little kids, we bought into the Mew rumor, so imagine how bummed I was when I was given the diploma. It actually took a fair amount of effort to "Catch 'em all" so I was hoping to get something amazing out of it. I wouldn't have cared if I knew that's all you got out of it.

What other stuff like this can you guys think of?

Messages In This Thread
Optional things that Weren't Worth it - by Hexadecimal - 10-01-2016, 02:44 PM

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