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The gaming related ventilation thread!
Developers:Look! We went back to the original Metroid and improved on all the things that are bad.

Me:That's cool.

D:And we added the speed booster and shine spark.

M:Alright. This adds so many new spots to put power ups. Ummm, how do you preform the shine spark?

D:We're not telling you.

Let me put this out there. Any game that has you look at the manual to understand how to do something is a pain in the ass and you should never do it. It doesn't have to be a long speech on how to do it, just a simple "You got [insert item]! Use [Blah Blah Blah] to preform!". Kicker? I looked up the manual online. Says nowhere that you can preform the shine spark. Yes, I know that it's a Super Metroid move and it probably preforms the same way, but I'm one of the few people to not play Super Metroid. No, it's not necessary to beat the game, but I'm a completionist and I want to get every last item, at lest three of them has you do complex Shine Sparking to get. I have no idea how someone could get 100% in under 2 hours.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The gaming related ventilation thread! - by gamemaster1991 - 10-01-2016, 09:07 PM

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