inFAMOUS 2's Final Boss for the evil path.
Near the end of inFAMOUS 1, Zeke screws up and goes with the big bad, which made Cole and the player not trust him. He spends the next game trying to regain the trust that was lost. Even as the evil path, all Zeke trys to do is help and get better. It does work and you start to think that he really wants to be trusted. The kicker comes when you have to choice between Evil: using the Beast to kill all humanity which will activate the dormant Conduit DNA in some people (I think the math was 15 - 20% of people) or Good: using the RFI to kill all Conduits (even the dormant ones) and save the humans. Well choosing one or the other will make one of your super powered friends the final boss. So I lied when I said the final boss, but in a way, this is the final boss to me.
I tryed so hard not to fight him. To see if he would kill me. To see if I could stun him. But no. You have to kill him, and one bolt does not kill him. You have to shoot him three times. This one scene made me regret choosing the dark path.