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The gaming related ventilation thread!
I like the names in Dragon Quest for spells. Bang. Boom. Kaboom. Kaboomle.

Zam. Zammle. Kazam. Kazammle.

Zap. Zapple. Kazap. Kazapple.

Sizz. Sizzle. Kasizz. Kasizzle.

Whack. Thwack. Kathwack.

All the damage spells sounds like some writer just going at it!

Then you get the other spells.

Evac to evac. Zoom to zoom to another town. Heal,Midheal,Moreheal,Fullheal,Multiheal,Omniheal because heals need to be serious.

Zing and Kazing because reviving someone from the dead is serious, but damn it, that's so cool.

Sheen removes curses, because curses turn you to stone, and you're getting polished.

Cock-A-Doodle-Doo wakes you up.


:D Its like the storyteller's someone's grandpa trying to entertain the kids.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The gaming related ventilation thread! - by Psychospacecow - 05-17-2017, 02:42 PM

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