04-04-2013, 10:54 AM
I would get one but it get's kinda tiring when the only good thing you hear about is :
"OMGarz,you should get because it has SECOND analog stick and it's in HD and it has a SECOND analog stick which is the only reason why you should get it and better than that gimmicky nintencrap 3ds because it doesn't have a second analog stick,durr durr"
I love the gaming world when the only reason to buy a system is because they have a second analog stick instead of what it offers.
Though Assassin's Creed Liberation is starting to get to me....
"OMGarz,you should get because it has SECOND analog stick and it's in HD and it has a SECOND analog stick which is the only reason why you should get it and better than that gimmicky nintencrap 3ds because it doesn't have a second analog stick,durr durr"
I love the gaming world when the only reason to buy a system is because they have a second analog stick instead of what it offers.
Though Assassin's Creed Liberation is starting to get to me....