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The gaming related ventilation thread!
I've vented about Hearthstone a lot but fuck it here's one more.

I finally built a single decent deck by destroying every interesting card I owned (which is a big ol' problem by itself) and each class has a super game-warpingly powerful card called a Death Knight, which you can only have one of in the deck like other legendaries.

So a solid 70% of the games I'm in come down to who draws their DK first and can grind out value from there.

This stuff exists in Magic the Gathering, but there you can run up to 4 copies of your important combo pieces, Draw options and tutors are more universally available, and there are better answers to powerful threats like counterspells and what-not. In Hearthstone, if they play their Death Knight, there is literally no way to stop them from using it for the rest of the game outside of I think one single janky card no one plays that stops their hero power for a turn.

Iunno, again it feels like Hearthstone at its core could be a really great game but it's just plagued with shitty design choices.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The gaming related ventilation thread! - by Arjahn - 05-17-2018, 12:44 PM

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