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Games you hated as a kid but loved as an adult (and vise versa).
(05-06-2018, 12:23 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: To avoid filling this with my personal unpopular opinions, I'll just say Goldeneye for N64. I use to have so much fun with the game. I played the multiplayer with my sister all the time, and I would replay the second stage all the time. Looking back, I never made it passed the second level. Going back to it, I can say that it's good for what it is and what it stands for in history, but I'll take a good amount of modern games over the janky controls.

Looking back on my past experiences with Goldeneye, I personally don't recall having trouble with the Facilty (the second level). I mean, maybe I got killed a couple of times here and there, but that's it.

You wanna know which level I never completed? The train. I never made it pass the train. Not sure if it's because I was retarted back in the day, but I just didn't knew how to escape from that one room you get trapped on near the end of the level.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Games you hated as a kid but loved as an adult (and vise versa). - by ZpaceJ0ck0 - 05-28-2018, 03:00 PM

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