10-02-2018, 11:09 PM
Overwatch matchmaking is the worst thing on the fucking planet. I haven't played comp in over a year, I'm not that good at the game which I'm fine with since I try and play just to wind down and goof off with friends, but every other fucking game I'm getting paired up against Grandmaster Widowmakers who shoot into spawn and there's no fucking recourse. This hasn't always been the case, but for the past month it has become so fucking common that I legitimatley cannot play the game. Not even in a "this is a shitshow so I don't want to play" kinda way, I literally cannot walk two feet out of spawn without getting instakilled from accross the map. I tried playing tanks to offset it but hey guess what they all have giant heads so if my shield goes down for one second you know I'm taking 350 damage.