04-10-2013, 07:51 AM
(04-10-2013, 02:59 AM)TensePsychopath Wrote: Dead Island - Awful, frustrating combat that feels like pulling your own teeth out. Non-existent storyline with non-existent characters and no atmosphere. Ridiculously dull quests that are all the same. Just a completely poor game from top to bottom.
I enjoyed Dead Island but that's only because I was playing with friends for a week so it was much more bearable. It had some great ideas but I'd understand how boring it is on your own. With friends, it's a barrel of laughs.
Oh damn, SFxT
Fuck this game. I hate this game! It's so bad in so many ways it's not even funny. Let's not even bother to talk about the fact Capcom locked over a third of the games content on the disc to charge at a later date but talk about why the game is crap.
The game is piss easy for noobs/casuals. Capcom thought it'd be a great idea to add gems to help non-fighting game players get in but the gems were incredible dumb and broken. From having the ability to auto-block/auto-tech or easy input that made Hadoken(Quarter Circle Forward) just Down/Forward. The gems themselves were around 300 in amount which made playing in tournaments a pain in the arse because watching people select them(even on Fighting Game streams) just a bore to watch. The thing about people who have crap all idea on how to play fighting games is that they'll never want to learn how to properly play, adding gems doesn't teach them but make them lazy at bothering to get good. With people who actually know how to play then using the gems, the difference is skill stays the same. It's stupid
Pandora is bullturd. I hate X-factor and comeback mechanics
The soundtrack is bloody terrible. The stages....eh they're OK. The character roster is OK(aside from the annoying fact 15 of them are locked) but it could've been a bit better.
There's so much more about why this game is complete shite I could go on and on but I can't be bothered. 2013 didn't really help much, I still found the game to be terrible so good one Capcom.
And it wasn't just me, the general opinion of SFxT amongst the FGC is that SFxT is crap.
(And I did fully complete the game in 2 weeks, so I'm not bandwagoning)
Mini Rant
And it bothers me that reviews who don't know who to play these games are giving the game high scores. You have no idea what to look for, are most likely just mashing random crap and then saying "oooh I'm gonna review this". No! That's misleading.