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The gaming related ventilation thread!
Box Art Megaman was supposed to be a joke anyway. It was even approved by Inafune himself. It was just bad timing that Capcom showed him off after suddenly canning two Megaman games, giving the impression that Capcom could care less. (Still hurts that they didn't bring Ace Attorney Investigations 2 over here... jerks...)

As for my horrible gaming experiences, as much as I love TF2, there have been some terrible players when it comes to the new Mann Vs Machine mode. Usually when you get a bad player, you can muddle on through since there are 10 or 11 competent people... but in MvM, you can only get up to six players, so all members of the team have to learn to work together and play with their respective classes well! But noooo, they just continue to play terribly by doing things like...
  • ...allowing two Scouts, Medics, Snipers, or Spies on the team. Our attack power greatly decreases as a result since Scouts are fragile, Medics have to focus on healing more than attacking, Snipers can only attack one enemy at a time until they get "Explosive Headshot", and Spies have to take their time to sap and stab. One of them is fine, two is too much. But they never change class even when you tell them to. Ever.
  • ...not picking up the money. It's fine when Scouts miss one or two pieces of cash, but not a whole buttload of it that's waiting in an empty filed to be picked up! You're the fastest class, money gravitates toward you... please pick it up!
  • ...going idle without a word. This irritates me the most of all... again, when you have a big team of people, one idle guy wouldn't affect it that much. But a team of six? It greatly turns the tide for the robots. You wait patiently, you tell them to get back already, but no, he just stands there like the Engineer erected a statue of a moron.
  • ...placing your buildings in the back as Engineer. Without sentry support or the time-saving teleporters, we slow down significantly and the bomb carrier grows stronger. I know the Engineer wants to protect the hole at all costs, but it won't matter when the robots arrive at full health.
It's getting rarer to find a team that manages to pull through in MvM. I've recently resorted to servers with 10 slots to accommodate for this issue... it can get laggier, but it is a lot more satisfying when we beat that last wave and not when I ragequit after failing five times in a row.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The gaming related ventilation thread! - by Antwan - 04-18-2013, 05:06 AM

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