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Star Fox 64 3D Reprising VAs
*I'm sure that the only Star Fox 64 VAs that reprised their roles in Star Fox 64 3D were Mike West as Fox, Ja Green as Leon, and Lyssa Brown as Slippy. I got the interesting link from one of Kirbopher's Did You Know Voice Acting Videos even as it's source. But here this page is giving me different info of the Voice Actors from what it said on BTVA 2 years ago:
I'm pretty sure in the 3DS Remake, Mark Lund steps in for Bill Johns Characters, Jaz Adams steps in for Ricky May, David Frederick White and Jock Blaney's Characters, and Dan Owsen, who you might know well, voiced ROB 64. PKIM, that I am not going to be reporting that submission of mine to have it changed. I personally agree with the fact that only 3 Original Star Fox 64 Cast Members reprised their roles in Star Fox 64 3D, as well as Star Fox Zero.

Messages In This Thread
Star Fox 64 3D Reprising VAs - by CuriousUserX90 - 05-10-2016, 09:10 AM

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