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The gaming related ventilation thread!
Battlefield 3 is the worst game I have ever played. I don't even know what it used to be, but that game is so broken both balance wise and mechanically, it's amazing. I will never purchase another battlefield game in my entire life because of that putrid package of pure dogshit. Battlefield used to at least sort of pride itself on being somewhat more realistic than other shooters, but now teams have fifteen guys sniping people whizzing on speedboats halfway across the map. Not to mention the worst matchmaking I have ever seen in any competitive online game, which forces you to use your internet browser with a clunky, unintuitive server browser that hardly works, and even when you can find the rare server with more than two people and less than 100 ping, a lot of the official servers it places you in ban half of the available weapons and instantly kick you for not using an assault rifle or sniper rifle. It doesn't tell you either, the first time it happened I laughed and thought it was just EA games being buggy. Nope, your game will instantly hard crash if you try and use a shotgun. Not to mention the horrible team balance, or lack thereof, meaning you'll constantly be engaging in 7 v 11's against all of those premium players using their silencers to jerk eachother off. God damn I don't really like Call of Duty but at least you can find a fucking match sometimes. Oh yeah and it uses that retarded multiplayer element of Level up to earn better guns! which is the stupidest fucking idea to have ever spawned from the erect infected cock that is the modern FPS that serves only to benefit long time players and beat the piss out of newbies. Again I find myself defending Calladooty, which also does this, but there it's not nearly as extreme and you're rewarded with upgrades to your gun based on how often you use it, which encourages practice. In Battlefield Pee (XDDXDXD im so clever!!1) you just have 4 arbitrarty classes that used to be unique but are now homoginized into MODERN FPS UNIT 1-4 BUT THIS GUY HAS A BACKPACK and you gain items sporadically with no correlation to your playstyle. If you play around with a gun in calladooty, you can unlock a silencer after an hour or two, in Battlefield it's going to take a lot longer and it might not even be for the weapon you want. Hooray.

God dammit why did I buy this game, I have never regretted a gaming purchase more in my entire life, and I bought Spore.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The gaming related ventilation thread! - by Arjahn - 01-29-2015, 03:41 PM

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