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The gaming related ventilation thread!
A review/vent about a game. Remember how I showed off I got a picture of Mighty No 9 as part of my pax collection? Well guess what I'm going to get rid of later. I've thought I'd go and give this game a chance after getting it for free(Yes you're reading that right, I got this for free) at the pax east convention. To my surprise(Not) the game was as bad as everyone is labeling it as, even those who have joked about this game called it a 'mighty disaster'(which is what the game is).

To be frank. A successor for Megaman is a rather good idea, but this is a game that is too buggy to the point my Wii U began asking about if anything was connected. To having to face the same death over and over again by badly made controls, uninteresting bad guys(its like witnessing a bad 80s cartoon), let alone have anything good about this wasted for shit. What bothers me about this game is that it is the example of giving in to nostalgia right away without giving much thought about what the outcome would be. The people who funded this on kickstarter really should think twice before funding something. They gave into the nostalgia memories of playing Mega-man back when the series was good.  Capcom may have not done anything bright, but i'd rather have a disaster from Capcom rather than someone who formally worked for the company. Everything that could've have this a good successor to the blue bomber was tossed out the window when greed and delays got the better of the people behind the game. This was handled by people who formally worked for Capcom, you'd think they'd plan this out better. But guess what, they didn't!

Remember folks. If you're going to make a kickstarter for a video game, make sure you keep your promises and dont fuck it up when you get the funds for it cause you only have one shot at pleasing to the gamers. What can we learn from this? Don't give into the nostalgia, save your money for a rainy day, and put better effort into the game behind the process of it rather than 'delay it' for deals(e.g movie, tv show, etc etc). I'm thankful that Megaman is coming back later this year. We can now ditch this blue bomber wannabe out the door.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The gaming related ventilation thread! - by CLXcool - 04-12-2018, 11:35 PM

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