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What games would you like to see remade?
With some video games getting remade/remastered for modern day audiences(Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded, Ducktales Remastered) I thought we could have a discussion about what video games that you would like to see remade. They can be from the most obscure things to games that have little recognition but are not known to the public outside of video gaming. Name the game, what new things should be added to the said game, and why you think it should be remade.

I know I've been hoping for Wayforward to tackle on Darkwing Duck, but if there's one game I'd like to see remade. Its The Adventures Of Bayou billy. For granted. The game itself has been known for being very difficult but at the same time being fun in its own way. If they were going to remake this game. I think there should be a difficultly setting to make things easier for new gamers. But at the same time keeping the bit of difficulty that the original game was known for at a minimum for how its set(easy, medium, hard, and if gamers want a taste of the NES difficultly to the max, then they outta try Extreme). I wouldn't mind a few new levels. Like say a level based off of what happens before Annie gets captured, and a level trying to escape from being captured by the goons who take you away in the beginning.

Messages In This Thread
What games would you like to see remade? - by CLXcool - 09-13-2013, 12:29 PM

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