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The story behind your user title
I'm a gentleman that plays ocarina.
(03-19-2013, 01:58 PM)Ouberry_13 Wrote: Mine's based off something from JJBA; the ripple, which is some kinda of fictional breathing technique designed to make the human body both stronger and more resilient, as well to allow the user to 'use the rays of the sun' to make their attacks stronger.

Here's a much simpler explanation: the Ripple (or 'Hamon') is Solar-powered Kung Fu. This fighting style was originally created with the sole purpose of fighting vampires.

(03-19-2013, 04:28 PM)CzarDragon Wrote: It's related to my user name, which you can read all about here.
To save you the scrolling.

As for me? Well, I was just rambling about what user title should I use. You know, just thinking random shit until I came up with something I liked.

Oh yeah, and I found out about this thread's existence because I went to the 15th (last) page of the general discussion board. It seemed interesting so I clicked.
I think mine is pretty self explanatory. I happen to enjoy cartoons(while I know a lot about productions of animated features as well as who animated what when it came to the cartoons), and I enjoy video games.

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